UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

That’s the Welsh water model but still has major issues. One I suspect is that Welsh water foot the bill for maintaining infrastructure that delivers water to England free of charge. Don’t quote me on that as I do need to review it.

Not so long ago, I was asked to provide a pre work condition survey of properties with basements down a very narrow cobbled lane in Chester. Listed buildings everywhere. Collapsed brick sewer (Victorian) in the middle of the road over 3m down. The hole needed to get at it is deeper than than entire width of the road. Welsh water, yes in Chester, could not get a contractor to go near it without Welsh water accepting all liability arising from any consequences arising from the work. Wouldn’t surprise me if they were still pumping it out weekly.

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It would stop inflation though!

100% right.
Visiting relatives in Liverpool and Hampshire, the water is so fucking awful I’ve even questioned if it is water.

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I think our tap water, at least here in north merseyside, is really good …but then I regularly have to suffer Paris water which is :nauseated_face:



Well, after out little chat on career choices for Lee Anderson it seems he has a food slot on GB News

What about the 30p meal? Or is he buying the really cheap disgusting cat food that will more likely result in your pet moggie flicking Vs back at you?

I expect his next grift will be telling the impoverished to live off mice and mangled starlings.

Just vote these cunts out before they can do any more damage.


It’s not managed decline, it’s demolition.


Its self serving greed that will bring down the NHS - Jeremy Hunt, along with others, have ripped the innards out from something that ultimately belongs to the masses

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A One Woman Wrecking Ball…


How the High Court could bring a quick end to sewage pollution (

Fuck off Blair


This could be fascinating. Going to hinge around what is considered “exceptional circumstances” and whether the 1994 regs are still relevant (I need to look them up)

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Pity she is stepping down soon - Hope it is just to fully recharge her batteries to come back stronger asap


Tasted like old chlorinated water when I was 11 (Paris), many decades ago. I doubt it has changed for the better. But at least it is not poison I guess.

Then again, I am from western Norway and we are very, very spoiled.

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Are you Norwegian too? :thinking:

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In the summer ‘they’ up the chlorine in the water here such that you can taste it (I don’t suppose the warmth of it helps either, then that’s probably why they up the chlorine in it).