UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

just spoiled with our water. they’ve spent billions in our infrastructure in the last 20years.

Very British and political, I know. But this is the drinking water where I live

And this is the driking water at my mother’s place.

Both taste really, really good and you only need some minor filtering in case a deer has drowned etc. The one at my mother’s place taste slightly better and is less filtrated. Few in the world has such drinking waters really. Many must do with subterrainian sources or from lakes with low water quality and intense filtration. We don’t need to filter it much at all, and there is nothing you need to put in it to purify it since it is completely pure. The snow melts from the mountain, then comes down from waterfalls in the lakes. As such, I am lucky to not live in a city tbh. Cities always have so much pipes that water must travel through and even if the water quality is high enough to make do without purification, the pipes tend to give off taste. The water honestly taste just as if you drink it from the water itself.

End of propaganda reel.


Sheep piss

What about them and what about their urine ? Anyway, sheep are cool. They keep culture landscape alive and green. Not many sheep on the picture above though, as you can probably see a lack of green grass.

Like Dartmoor yet with 2 meters of rain per year it’s well and truely diluted. Doesn’t help with the lead pipes though, added acid!

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They really aren’t.


It’s their revenge agaist sheepshaggers!

Very different soil to what we have. This problem does not exist here. You now made me walk out of the office at the culture institution I work and snap a couple of pictures of some of my co-workers. Rented in May, they will work until September. I certainly cant do, and I am not willing to, do their job :smiley:

Not sheep, but close enough.


Whole different meaning when the H&S officer asks to see your RAMS eh :0)

Oh man, you work in a fucking lovely place. :heart_eyes:


It’s the mad hatters tea party!

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I actually find such images completely fucking depressing, utterly detached as they are from the space they inhabit.

Imagine my surprise that a cunt like Jenrick thinks otherwise…

Performative cruelty. Going to great lengths and public expense to make someone’s life miserable. Then again, I’ve experienced these arseholes first hand.

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Ah Honest Bob strikes again. Reminds me of that Harry Enfield character, Tim Nice but Dim.

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Is Honest Bob the BBC sex pest?


Specifically under 35s? Specifically care workers and fruit pickers?

lol … the humiliation is complete.


Surely some visa system with Rwanda would be better, no?