UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Easily filled.
Anyone claiming unemployment benefit (or whatever the fuck it’s called these days) able bodied enough to work, ie no medical conditions preventing them taking a job.
Give them a choice.

Dane…what a can of worms you’ve opened…

How so?

Not a bad idea. We could do a deal where we send them all those nasty asylum seekers and they can send us their spare fruit pickers and care workers. It would be a win win!

Wait for the comments…

I’ll bite or at least query “The Dane Plan”.
Is Transport and accommodation included in “The Dane Plan”? Just in case you’re unemployed and your nearest fruit /veg farm is 4+ hours away.

To be fair, this is pretty much government policy anyway. Driving benefit payments and what qualifies as able bodied into the gutter so that work is the only viable option to keep the lights on. It’s just really poorly targeted and administered.



Can you read that back in your head and keep a straight face? Work is the only viable option? YES!!!

I can manage that quite easily.
For the record I’m not against pushing people towards working but there’s a whole host of reasons why some people are unable or unwilling to do that. And yes I know I said unwilling. That is not meant to include those that prefer to watch daytime TV or whatever else you can dream up. Things like travel, wage level, child care, other care and even health reasons and so on may all mean that some is unwilling to take up a job that’s “presented” to them on a take it or lose your benefit basis.

It’s far too complicated, combined with a spectacularly complicated system.


If you can’t afford kids, don’t have them. And I mean afford as in look after the basics not buying them a pony and a Gucci bag for their 5th birthday.

And how do you account for the recent cost of living crisis in your reasoning? Do you decide to toss a child on the dumpster because you can’t afford them after costs changed beyond any of your control?

Like I said situations are complicated unlike your black and white world.


Black and white world. Ironic.

If you were on the breadline before the cost of living crisis, you’re fucked now. Should have seen it coming and pulled out. You can’t imagine how expensive kids are. But unless you’re an idiot, you have an idea.

Let’s get back to people being unwilling to work. Shame.


Literally I assume?

Anyway, I’ve said my bit which I know you’ll never agree with, reflect on or even consider the points made so I’ll leave you to it.

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I would take it a step further. If we are going to do away with free will, we’ll need to make the system fair. The entire employment sector should be on a rotational system. Everyone gets 3 months at a job then rotates to the next one. You and I could just as easily be working a janitorial job, or fruit picking, or wiping faeces off a 90yo in a vegetative state. No discrimination.

It seems to consistently be those on the right that have their empathy dial locked at zero. They just can’t see a situation where they may be laid off because the only people receiving government benefits are those that want to be in that situation for a living. Ironic that some of them also had problems that they openly shared on here during the pandemic because of social distancing. The point being that any one of us on here could be out of employment tomorrow through no fault of our own…


Why would I reflect on your assertion that people not working when they can is understandable???

And those of us on the right would say “what a bugger, bad luck mate. How many interviews have you got lined up for tomorrow?”

Gees, did you actually read the reasons I gave? Obviously not! That’s your problem, not mine.

As I said, I’ll leave you to it.

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And most don’t. This is why there are a shortage of fruit pickers and care workers in the first place. The usual solution in the UK is immigration.

And, as rules used to be, if you’ve lost your job, you don’t get any ‘benefits or help’ for 6 months…rules may have changed I know not…I’m sure someone will enlighten me…

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How long ago was this?