UK Politics Thread (Part 4)

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Starmer should just boot her.

Upon taking office Labour needed to be absolutely squeakiest clean. There have been too many of these stories.


Forever would be good

Saw this on the BBC recently. Puts me in mind of the number of parents I’ve heard say (or similar) “Wait till you get to school, the teachers will make you behave!” You’ve already lost. Like the parents who won’t take the dummies off their kids because they’ll cry. Their fault for giving them to them in the first place. Parenting is dead easy if you stick to a simple rule, never make a threat you won’t carry out. And by threat I don’t mean beatings and chimneys. Goes absolutely hand in hand with the other parent classic “If I have to tell you one more time” What, you’ll say it again?

Case in point. I was in an IT suite earlier today with a group of kids. They were videoing some news interviews and I was imaging computers. I’m the only adult in the room. One of the kids who wasn’t involved for 19 seconds started humming, yeah dead funny. A few others joined in. Me “You can be in here doing fun things with videos but we won’t be having any humming. If it continues, there will be trouble” Silence, they went slowly back to the videos. Then Derek (probably) the knob starts humming. Me “OK, you obviously didn’t realise I don’t give second chances, what did I say” Girl infront of me “you said we wouldn’t be having any more…” and then she hummed. Sent her and Derek to the head’s office. The look on their faces was priceless. Rest of the kids had a great lesson and produced great content.

Anyway, if you child’s still in nappies in Nursery (without a good medical reason), you’re just a failure.

Not sure I’d go that far, but it’s most definitely not the fault (or responsibility) of anyone other than the parents.
Regardless of any “it’s always someone elses fault” counter argument

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Apparently schools aren’t allowed to call parents as it is unfair

"Grandfather Gavin Wise said the policy was “unfair”.

"If the kid’s in school, that’s what they’re there for, to be looked after.

If they employed someone else to come in and do that for them, it shouldn’t be a problem. I’d say it’s part of the job."

You have basic jobs as a parent. Teach manners, independence, speech, co-operation, socialising etc. If you don’t have the homeostatic fortitude to toilet train your child by nursery age, you’ve failed that basic job.

£10 to charity says Gavin Wise might be slightly younger than your usual grandfather…

Just checked, I was his age when my daughter was born!

Tell the truth, they all burst out laughing at you.
I certainly did :joy::rofl:


Yeah, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

I know you love your kids, I hope they turn out okay!


No complaints so far :slight_smile:

Senseless and rambling posts… if that is how you find them, then so be it.
I am more than happy to concede a point, agree to disagree or change my view if someone enlightens me.
Why do you have to make the “even when you’ve been proven wrong” statement, I am I’m not here to be right or wrong but to engage in discussion(s) about the state of the UK Politics, whether good or bad. Maybe, I misunderstood the point of this Thread.
Anyhow, thank you for your post :+1:t2:

Fair enough.

Yes, RW politics has failed the UK massively over the last 14 years, and LW politics failed the UK over period before that and the RW failed the UK before that, so on. But yeah, beliefs aside….:joy:
Slate the crap out of the Tories all you like, but don’t dismiss or define something you don’t agree with as RW.

If you read my post you will find that I am not expecting a quick fix, accept results won’t be easily achieved and I also am wise enough to understand, mistakes may be made. I have also stated, I want Labour/any Government to be successful.

My post to @mascot was regarding his doomsday attitude, Labour can’t do anything, they have no moves, can’t raise taxes/can’t borrow money. Labour are going to fail and it is all the Tories fault, a comment that seems to be repeated far too easily on here.

As I have said, I couldn’t give a fuck who is in power, whether they are considered left or right, as long as they turn around the countries and its peoples fortunes.

So can I ask what is it that you want from the current Government? Can I ask you what their plan is and can I ask whether you believe it is working or not?
I’m not asking these questions to catch you out or trip you up.

Her tenure is one of the worst decisions ever made.
I am still waiting for a Trading Places 2 movie to be created, where Mogg and Grove have a bet on how quick she can destroy the economy.


Thank you for your post, a good insight which I will try to read into - still haven’t had time to look into the Cato institute piece :man_facepalming:t3: :+1:t2:.

how old is ‘nursery age’? in UK?

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There hasn’t been much to distinguish this version of the Labour Party from the Conservatives politically or economically thus far (although it’s still early days), but this is one clear demarcation between the two; bringing people together is better than the divisive, corrosive culture war politics of the right.

Even if that proved to be the only difference between the two main parties (it won’t), surely that would make any rational person prefer Labour to the Tory/Reform cretins?