UK Politics Thread (Part 4)

Can’t remember if I posted this at the time:

Edit: I did.


This is what i mean about losing your financial resources. Be that through selling off assests, poor privatisation, poor taxation policies, damaging economic policies and even poor governance etc. Basically this money finds its way into the pockets of the rich.

Eventually you find yourself increasing the tax burden further down the ladder to cover increased borrowing and even trying to get stuff moving. This drives poverty up and increases the wealth gap.

This is where we’re at and its been a minimum 14 years in the making.

Certainly happy to hear the thoughts of the economical gurus on here with regards to that.


A minimum, definitely. There is a big problem with the UK becoming a services based economy, be cause those services are very portable.


Yeah just thinking about that. You could then trace it back to the killing off of UK industry. Take away that foundation and what do you have left?


Since Thatcher, the demise of the working class and the création of the under class.
If course at that time there was the ‘middle management’ boom which offset things a bit and caused many to believe things were getting better.
That didn’t last long as it soon became apparent that ‘middle management’ didn’t actually produce anything (they just saved money by firing those that did produce something) the NHS being a major example.
Your 14 years just covers the era where those ‘middle management’ classes have become the target for becoming the ‘new’ underclass.
A complet mismanagement of resources pushed by the rich. The rich who are now at least 12 times wealthier than the ‘middle class’ in comparison to when this all started.


Incredibly short sighted and sad:


The power of oil companies and other corporate climate vandals versus a little old lady. Who’s side are you on?


Its not about sides.
Did she break the law?
Can’t open the article.

Take away the fact that it’s just stop oil. What do you do to people if they go disrupt the operations of air planes, trains, buses etc. these people are doing the same, regardless of their intentions. If intent meant I can do anything I want, then why have laws?,guilty%20of%20an%20offence%20and

And thats just the road blockers.
Not sure about the punishment for the building sprayers or soup painters

What do those laws mean compared to the destruction of the planet?

Of course the climate is fucked but my question remains, does intent mean I can do anything I want and not be punished for it?

Of course not, but none of the social advances that have been made in history were achieved without breaking the law, because the law is created in order to maintain the status quo.
Without breaking the law we would all still be peasants paying tithes to lords and kings who could kill us at a whim.

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Sure you can break the law if that’s your poison of choice, then you got to accept getting punished for it. You don’t get to choose putting your finger in the fire and not being burnt.

Helping escaping Jews was illegal in the Third Reich, aiding Slaves was illegal in the US in the 19th century, being gay is still illegal in many countries.
Laws are not always right.

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I agree. But laws, while imperfect, are there for the majority to keep order. It’s either follow the law or not. Or we can allow anarchy. We are living in a society of rule of law, like it or not. You can don’t agree with the law, that does not exempt you from the law.

@Bekloppt you anarchist! :kissing_heart::rofl:

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How many times have you flown from/to Britain, Germany and Australia? Didnt you recently in the last year go shopping in portugal or something on a whim ?

Some serious hypocritical statements are made and fake outrage at times by some

Just to clear, she has been sent back to prison because the contractors didn’t have a suitable tag to allow her to complete her sentence under home curfew.

This issue isn’t about is it right to send 78 yea old ladies to prison for trying to stop climate change. It’s the contractor failing to have the equipment to deal with a 78 year old lady


I don’t know what world you live in, but I live in a world where the law applies very unequally depending on your station in life, and isn’t universal. It’s quite clearly the case that if you have tons of money, the law doesn’t really apply to you.