We all live in the same world. Rich people gets away with things. That does not mean that anyone else who breaks the law should get away with it. These are 2 separate issues. Are we trying to say that as long as rich people don’t get punished, everyone else should get away with it? I don’t think you mean that of course. Sure we are angry with the unfairness of the world and the law is definitely not perfect and can even be used as a weapon but if someone breaks the law, that person should be punished, regardless of wealth or status.
Yea I read that article, but I think the discussion probably took a turn of whether she should even be punished because of what is happening with the climate.
But yes, its stupidity to keep someone in prison who can be under home supervision because of a material oversight.
But it’s staggeringly naive to think that people blocking the road or throwing soup over a painting is going to make one iota of a difference to the speed at which the planet is being destroyed
I have never owned a car and have been a cyclist my whole life. Does that help?
That’s a separate issue to the one raised by the article.
I was responding to a question
I don’t understand these women. I know they want to vote and I support that. But it’s naive to think that throwing themselves in front of horses and chaining themselves to stuff is going to work. It’s just pissing people off
Silly me.
Of course, I’d forgotten the tomato soup thown at the Van Gogh painting triggered the north sea decommissioning program
Look, I’m not sure I agree with the tactics employed by JSO, and I suspect that some of the stuff they do is counter productive (and as I’ve previously said, Friends of the Earth have done more to stop UK Oil extraction over the last year through carefully targeted legal challenges than JSO have managed ever), but I don’t think a country with a shortage of prison spaces should be sending a 78 year old women to jail for what is essentially making a nuisance of herself.
The fact is that, at 78 years old, she has made a decision that she is happy to take whatever punishment the state can throw at her because she believes in the need for direct action.
You disagree with me, fine. I’m sure your absolutely sound with releasing a violent criminal early to make room for her.
What will Starmer do now?
Move closer to the US obviously.
Well I’m sure we’ll both agree that the way the custodial decisions have been made by the previous and current governments is pretty dreadful
Governments make custodial decisions? Thats a new on on me unless Russia invaded last night.
Do they not influence policy decisions?
No, course not.
The current government had no influence over the sentencing of the recent sausage roll thieves

The current government had no influence over the sentencing of the recent sausage roll thieves
Of course not. It’s an independent judiciary. The government can set policy and introduce laws, but not interfere in specific cases. The sausage roll thieves may have been influenced to think that they could get away with anything by Farage & Co, but that is typical of the frog-faced liar’s misinformation.
The rioter have now realised that it’s a case of fuck around and find out.

The rioter have now realised that it’s a case of fuck around and find out.
As have the road blockers
Fair enough, although I’m not convinced that words in ears didnt happen.

I’m not convinced that words in ears didnt happen.
In terms of the CPS or judges? The one thing with Starmer is that he is a stickler for process. I think we saw this with the Southport case in general as he left no grounds for interference in the judicial process at all.

The one thing with Starmer is that he is a stickler for process.
Al Fayed and Saville?
Yes, not proven 100%, but enough suggestions to raise concerns
Evidence for this?
I’m serious, if you want to go down that road you need to back it up.
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence
There is no evidence.