It would be good have a proper grown up conversation about Reeves performance as chancellor. We can talk about the insanity of backing a third runway at Heathrow, or whether she is doing nearly enough to tip the balance of interest away from the already mega rich.
But the problem is that any conversation around politics at the minute is rendered impossible by thick cunts shouting shit that simply isn’t true. And it not being true is no barrier to more thick cunts amplifying it, without a care in the world for its veracity.
This is why we are hurtling towards a dictatorship. For the first time in my life I’m existentially terrified about the future.
There are always dictatorships and totalitarianism around the world. But never have the big, major world powers been so close to tipping into outright fascism. The US has just elected one, and like night follows day, his acolytes are now openly discussing how the constitution - that thing so sacrosanct that it can’t even be changed to prevent children being murdered with automatic weapons - can be amended to keep him in power beyond his term. A poll the other day in this country showed that half of Gen Z would prefer a dictatorship to democracy.
And this all stems from the outright collapse in the desire for objective truth. The inherent value is speaking honestly and caring about the truth has gone. That charge has been led by people like Musk, but it’s ordinary people who have picked up the baton and run with it.
He might be a narcissistic fascist who is going to rebuild the country to rig it even more for elite financial interests, and abandon any attempt to prevent a Climate Apocalypse, but at least it’s a change, eh?
Maybe this thread shows what’s wrong. Everyone jumps on whatever is said. Same with the media. They live to make a politician make a mistake to get a story. How can you get constructive debate and change in that environment.
That’s not all life is about, but I think if you want to have a debate you need to be able to agree on some basic facts at least. If there aren’t any common facts, there’s no common ground to be had.
All too often these days debates are actually about arguing what is actually a fact or otherwise.
There really shouldnt be any argument on facts, only on what they mean going forward and how to best tackle the issues that arise from them.
Classic example is trying to debate with a climate change denier. You spend all your time arguing why its real and how it’s caused by human activity rather than whst the impacts are and how they can be managed, mitigated.
I find it odd that some still support those that were responsible for a large proportion of the damage in the first place.
But let’s look a Badenochs performance this week. Firstly Labours current econimic plans were all stolen from the Tories. But they are also anti growth.
Thats quite an admission. Clearly a clueless opposition leader.
My parents were recently with me for a late christmas. My mum told me this story repeatedly, of how Reeves had presented herself during her time in politics as a high powered economist but it turns out she had only ever been a bank teller. It was something that clearly had really agitated her.
It’s wild talking a parent who used to be really smart, a role model for the value of being inquisitive and caring about what is going on, to have them say something to you that you can immediately think “yeah, there is no way this story as told is true.”