US Election 2024

I think it varies amongst Indians as well.

South Indians are more likely to vote Democrat. The conservative ones are the north Indians , namely the Gujaratis , who are more Republican.

I’m a south Indian and my relatives there almost overwhelmingly are democrats. I can’t even recollect a single republican among them.


My mum made the really insightful point that he is actually half white, and you dont hear that reported in discussions on race in politics

…every week for about 12 years


The laws can be “interpreted” for the beautiful people.

So when he visits the UK, I can interpret that he is a serial sex pest and get him locked up in UK?


Do you think the Associate Press knows anyone who might have been able to get the public better informed about what they see as Biden’s successful record?


Add to this that this morning I have seen Whitmer, Newsome, Pritzker and Evers, 4 of the party’s most heavyweight state governors and 2 of whom were touted as replacement noms themselves, have all endorsed Harris. It is over. She is the nominee.


Clinton actually won the popular vote. 65,844,954 voted for her versus 62,979,879 voting for Trump.

But in the antiquated American political system, some votes matter more than others.



Heritage Foundation eyes multi-million dollar legal fight against Biden replacement

The Republican Party is already planning to claim the replacement of President Joe Biden with another candidate is illegal.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday a legal challenge to the Democratic Party’s expected switch from Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris will be challenged in the courts.

“I think they’ve got legal hurdles in some of these states,” Johnson said on CNN. “And it’ll be litigated, I would expect, on the ground there.”

Millions of dollars has already been committed to such a challenge from the right-wing group behind Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation, its representative told Newsweek.

“What would make a state the most difficult for replacement depends on timing and how they [the Democrats] do it,” Mike Howell, the executive director of the foundation’s Oversight Project, told the news outlet.

Among the states being eyed for courtroom fights involving the switch in candidate are Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada.

Harris is by far the favourite to replace Biden after multiple Democrats endorsed her in the hours after Biden announced he was dropping out of the campaign Sunday.

“Three of the expected six most contested states have some potential for pre-election litigation aimed at exasperating, with legitimate concerns for election integrity, the withdrawal process for a presidential candidate,” a memo shared with Newsweek by Howell read.

It said several swing states had, "Specific procedures for withdrawal of a presidential nominee with differing degrees of applicability and timelines.

"Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal for any reason besides death.

"Important caveats include the timeline and triggering events. For example, some states allow withdrawal before the 74th day before an election and failure to adhere to these timelines can result in the candidate’s name remaining on the ballot.”

The Heritage Foundation’s memo said that, in 31 states, there is likely not a legal challenge to be made.

"At least 31 states defer to state or national party rules and committees for nominating in the event of withdrawal,” it read.

"These states circumvent the substitution process highlighted above. There may be some avenues for challenges to these laws on improper delegation grounds, however, these may be marginally beneficial.”


oh, but of course they would. :see_no_evil:


It won’t be long before they claim that it is illegal for anyone to run against Tramp.


The convention is the usual cut-off point, and it is four weeks away. Kamala Harris will presumably be endorsed there, by the Democrat Party delegates, and then it is all official and above board.

The bad-faith litigation from the Republicans just smells like fear.

They thought they had it in the bag. Biden was too old and past it. But now all bets are off. Kamala Harris will take the fight to them.

The main points I expect to see her hammer home?

  1. Abortion and female healthcare/reproductive rights
    The majority of the American public are on her side, and this will be a vote loser for the Republican Party.

  2. Sexual predator/assaulter Trump
    As a woman, she can speak forcefully to this issue, and when coupled with the above, it is not hard to imagine vast swathes of suburban women coming out in force to vote for Harris. This could well be an election winning surge.

  3. Trump’s record/character
    Harris is a former prosecutor with a very sharp legal mind. She can hit Trump concisely and authoritatively on his various legal issues, and paint him as wholly unfit for office.

  4. Biden’s record
    Biden has done some good legislative things. Get that message across! Harris can speak about it better than Joe Biden can at this stage.

There’s more she can cover, but these should be the main talking points she will arrange her message around.

Her relative youth, energy and thorough grasp of the issues will seem miles apart from Trump’s free-wheeling bullshit.

The Republicans thought they had it in the bag, but now they have a huge fight on their hands. Hence the bad faith litigation.

It should put wind in the sails of the Democrats as it signals fear.


I don’t think it is fear, just another avenue to go down. Trump loves litigation. It’s costly and distracting. It also helps fuels his theme of Democrats cheating elections.

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Cut off dates are determined by States and their own filing requirements. I haven’t fact checked what I’ve read but it only looks like 2-3 states that will have any sort of filing deadline legal challenge. Issue is two of those states (WI and NV) are both swings.


The 25th Amendment should cover it, as it says in case of the President’s removal from office, or death, or resignation, the VP will become President.

Biden can say he resigned - he did.
The current VP bumps up to President.

The litigation looks frivolous to me.

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Yep, it is a terrible play. Had Biden not gone “willingly” and the party tried some malarky to nominate someone else at the convention then we’d be dangerous legal territory, but that is not what happened. He was only the presumptive nominee until the convention, but the actual nominee will legally be considered the person the convention delegates nominate. The majority were legally bound to vote for Biden but he has now revoked that obligation meaning they can make a free choice in the eye of the various state laws governing this.

However, this is precisely why you are now seeing some on the right pushing the idea that Biden did not do this willingly, but that it was announced without his knowledge.

If you’re looking for another cynical angle, then it is an attempt to push frivolous law suits intended to keep “election interference” stories in the front of mind. How valuable is that sort of play is will be open to debate as the ones most likely to be moved by “dems cheat at elections” are likely already die hard MAGA types.


Not exactly responding to the moment…

Biden is too old, and warnings that Kamala will ban red meat


A few weeks ago Tim Alberta ran a piece on Trump’s new campaign team, Suzy Wiles and Chris la Civita. These are two old school GOP operatives and so the relevance of the piece was their presence in Trump campaign is a mark of how much the have now completely bent the knee to him. But secondly, these traditional GOP operatives had managed to bring an unusual sense of professionalism to the campaign. The undercurrent of it though was a sense of over confidence from them, more interested in running up a Regan-Mondal style blow out than concentrating on getting to 270 votes in the EC. His reporting in the last 24 hours has been amazing…

  • Massive second guessing of Vance as the VP, a pick considered more relevent for operationalization of the manifesto once elected than intended to help him win. There are now serious conversations about finding a way to push him aside (lots of support for Haley or even Gabbard)
  • Outrage from a campaign that was laser focused on beating Biden and seemingly just didnt see this coming

He’s a great follow for anyone interested


Poor fucker :joy:

Looks like Harris has it locked up. I thought for sure someone would see an opportunity to throw their hat in the ring and we’d end up with a 3 ring circus at the democratic convention. I’m glad the dems seem organized and ready. We won’t get 4 weeks of backstabbing before the convention.

What a crazy month. Biden did the debate, which brought all of this down. In hind site, what a terrible decision on his part, and he’s the one that was pushing to do it, which led to him stepping down. Sandwiched in between the debate and Biden stepping aside is a failed assassination attempt on Trump.

I hope Trump will do a debate with Harris. I could see her ripping Trump to shreds. Especially if the microphone rule is in effect and Trump can’t shout her down. What a breath of fresh air for the entire country. Hopefully Harris is up for it.


It’s been about 6 weeks since Trump conviction. You could do an entire graduate level course on just this time frame

  • Trump conviction
  • Supreme court overrules chevron, rules in Rahimi in a way that makes no one understand their take on gun ownership for personal use, and creates presidential immunity while creating massive practical obstructions to prosecuting a president for personal acts once they leave office
  • Trump conviction appealed and now at risk
  • Documents case thrown out and going to appeal
  • Assassination attempt
  • Biden throws the election into chaos

Am I missing anything?
EDIT - the debate. I was missing the debate