US Election 2024

Look, I’m not taking Kamala seriously until she lets it be known what her stance is on sharks, batteries, showers, and dishwashers!



Does she know wind?

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Liz Truss.

Just for giggles

That was a Mel Brooks film, wasn’t it?

What is strange about it? It has been core to his and Fox’s message for over ten years now so of course a lot of people start buying the framing

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Shame on her,

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California’s marijuana laws were and still are stupid (possession = felony and 3 strikes), but the AG doesn’t get to make the laws - the responsibility is to enforce them.


See now that is a much better example of misleading footage. By cutting out Harris’ responses to these allegations then it makes it seems like all of Gabbard’s allegation are true! Bravo!

By the way, for anyone who doesn;t know much about Tulsi Gabbard - there is a very good podcast episode by QAA all about her.


She perpetuated some truly bad policies.

Look it up if you like :+1:

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And even that is a stretch. The likelihood of any low level drug charge ever touching the AG’s office is pretty much 0.

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The laughing face emoji on a post that directly refutes your personal beliefs.

The hallmark of “I don’t really know what I’m talking about”.


I might do but posting anything from MTG as legit is a bit like believing a flat earther has a working theory of gravity.


The two examples you brought up have already been debunked. Try harder.


Yes, by AG that would be the whole department. To the extent that the AG has any discretion, it would be deciding whether to go to the felony or misdemeanour pathways for a possession charge. Per the data that @Sweeting linked, it is quite clear that during her time the use of the felony provisions was declining.


Even worse, an MTG parody account.

Saying she’s done bad stuff, look it up - You want us to do your research because you genuinely can’t find anything.

The laughing emoji when someone has patiently explained why what you posted was wrong is a sign of defeat. That’s really all you’ve got?


Tulsi Gabbard… You mean the Russian asset?


As we see time and time again, the truth does little to sway Q-morons.

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It is fairly comical to see the alt-right rushing to use examples of bad policy and garbled statements to attack Trump’s opponents, when he is such a stunning source of both. Poor old Dan Quayle must be wondering how the fuck he gets away with it.


Shortly before the Obamacare bill finally went to the house for a vote, after a year or so of public debate, Pelosi did a national tv interview in which she was asked to respond to various claims the republicans were lying about what the bill included (e.g. death panels). Her response was to say that the bill was public, its contents had been debated over long period, if people were still insistent that it included a provision for death panels then nothing she could say would convince anyone of anything and the only thing left was to “pass the bill so you can see what is in it”.

The right responded in outrage that Nancy said she hadnt even read the bill and so needed to pass it so she could see what it does. And that just isnt how words work. This bit is tricky for some, but “you” is a different word than “I”, and they cannot be interchanged in a sentence and have its meaning retained. Yet today that is still a common criticism of her from the right. These well known hits on Harris are of the same kind.

“She laughed at executing black men”
“That is absurd. What is your basis for saying that?”
“Here is a video of her using the word execution. And here is a video of her laughing. Do your research.”