US Election 2024

These attacks are weak but it’s all a normal part of their cycle. They go with the “throw enough shit at the wall and see what sticks” method. 90% of their attacks won’t land but once they get a point or two that seems to catch on a little they’ll laser-focus on it and mention it every 2 seconds.


He seemed to become notably more reactionary in response to the blowback he got from dropping the N word. The episode the week after you could see him getting angrier and angrier as the black guest he had on to seemingly rubber stamp the forgiveness for the brief apology he planned on giving just wouldn’t accept it and kept demanding he contemplate how over familiar he had become to think that could say something like that. You could see the sense of “for all I have done for you people and now you wont let me get away with one little N bomb” boiling up.

Covid properly broke him, but for all the opposition he had to Trump he was already on a couple of year slide towards reactionary shit.


Breaking scoop

Racist guy planning to do some racisms. Stop the Press!


Drearily predictable when all they could come up with was ‘she’s got a weird laugh’.


I think they are really at a crossroads, because leaving to their echo chamber we can already see the inverse - trying to demonize her as a ‘too tough’ prosecutor who incarcerated too many Black men. The strategic choices that were made to attack Biden-Harris don’t necessarily work the same way versus Harris-???.


At least she has a laugh. All Trump has is that weird smirk he does that looks like it’s hurting him.


Prune Juice should help him with that.

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It hasn’t helped @cynicaloldgit. What makes you think it will do the trick in this case?


The difference is Trump is full of shit, @cynicaloldgit is just a grumpy old shit :wink:


This is your first intelligent comment year to date.


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He’s a die hard liberal that will never vote republican (especially Trump), and his main mistake is not being liberal enough. I actually enjoy his bits as it’s some truths mixed with comedy, bias towards democrats, yet central enough to see the idiocy of both parties. I have a few basic beliefs that I agree with him about, and some that I don’t at all. I would be a more conservative him, yet I would vote for either party.

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Year to date?

Your far too kind good sir


Reuters poll has Momala ahead of the convict.

Go on, Momala. Pick me for VP and an all-Indian ticket. Doit doit. It’s a stone cold lock.

@Sithbare chief White House chef. Most of you are invited. At least some of you.

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If @Sithbare is cooking, I won’t be there. I’ve seen his curry.


You’ll be there for my coronation if I tell you to be.

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As long as @Sithbare doesn’t make coronation chicken.

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He’s a man who professes that he is a liberal (the only true liberal in fact because everyone else has gone “WOKE”) while actually just regurgitating reactionary talking points.


Not sure. It looks more like his fat chin is trying to swallow the rest of his face.


In 2020 one of the big things that hurt them was they got stuck unsure whether to paint Biden as a sleepy old guy hiding in his basement or a crime family boss powerful enough to get his contacts in Ukraine to frame Trump for having inappropriate links to Russia. Had they run just the sleepy Joe message they could have won, but Trump loved the spitefulness of the Ukraine stuff and they just couldnt get any focus on who they wanted to see the other person as.

It feels like they are now in the same place with Harris. Their law and order message requires a contrast against a soft on crime lefty, and doing that against Kamala allows them to wink to her being a DEI hire who is especially weak on black crime (see twitter link below). But no one is going to believe that about “Kamala the cop”, especially not when her campaign is focused so much on her identity as a prosecutor. They are left not knowing how to frame her and seemingly stuck doing both at the same time.