US Election 2024

I dunno. It’s unequivocal. I get in and that’s the end of democracy.
I don’t see what other interpretation there is.
The choice is clear. Democracy and freedom or dictatorship.


Trump just loves the adulation… he is like a sponge soaking in as much as his fat arse will allow… What has still got me intrigued though, IMO, he is just a ‘PATSY’, doing the bidding for the darker forces behind him - who they are, is anyone’s guess, because there are a large number of suspects…
The world will enter a really dark phase, one that has an orange glow if he gets power again :0(


Thats the thing, he said “it will be sorted”, he just doesn’t explicitly say here what the “it” is. Look at the desperate defenses already out there and you’ll see any number of explanations offered from people about how it’s really referring to aspects of the Democrats’ cheating they will be able to fix once they remove those cheaters from power.

Many don’t believe that, but the plausible deniability is part of the game for them. Many may not be certain what exactly he’s talking about but they know he didnt end democracy his first time so Democrats, who have used lawfare to bring politically motivated charges against, must now just be lying in a cynical way to try to win this election.

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I think so too. Im intrigued in what may happen to him if he loses. He owes a lot of people.

Something like this… :0)



Yeah he wants to end democracy but sometimes people cross the border so I guess thats the price worth paying to stop it. :person_shrugging:


If its interpreted as just vote and I will become a dictator, then no, seriously get a grip, he is not going to overthrow the usa, and it wont come to a dictatorship under him or the republican party. If you think it will happen, then nobody in this thread can help you change your mind, and certainly not me.

It can also be interpreted as vote just this one time, because I wont be running again. Vote for me, and it will be fixed (the system that he thinks is broken). I’m sure it can be interpreted other ways, I’m just wasting my time trying to get anyone to see it any other way other than the worst possible interpretation.

The caveat to the paragraph above, I have just read the article, I haven’t listened to the speech.


As I said…


It is crucial that Harris wins the election. I think she will. My take is that the Republicans just don’t have the numbers. Hence they are employing all sorts of measures to win, but that will be enormously difficult as the non incumbent Presidential party.

If they were up against Biden a victory looked inevitable, as he is just so past it. All their numbers will vote, and many swing voters might sit out, unable to vote for Trump, and also unable to vote for Biden.


It’s a new day! Harris has hit the ground running. The message is clear, and it is night and day the difference between her vision for America and Trump’s.

People will be mobilized and Harris will win, I’m pretty sure of that.

Trump will try to start trouble on the back of another election loss, but I don’t think he will gain the same sort of traction, as he won’t have his hand on the levers of power.

Here’s hoping, but I genuinely think that’s how this will pan out.

As for the speech he gave, it’s a classic Trump statement that can be interpreted in different ways. It is the sort of thing that has kept him out of jail all these years. Plausible deniability. It is wearing thing and this old man will lose again.

When he does, perhaps his sycophants will stop protecting him and allow justice to run its course.


I’m not as optimistic as you are. I think she has had a boost, I don’t think it will last (like a new manager bounce). Harris has to win a few swing states (including 1 or 2 must wins), and she is behind/way behind or level at best (albeit better than Biden). On reflection, she was the obvious and best choice in this time-frame. It might have been different if Biden had not decided to run (2 years ago). The democrats are behind in two of the top 3 issues (economy, border and abortion), and whether you like it or not, voters believe that Trump is significantly more suited to “fixing” the first 2 issues.

I don’t like Kamala Harris. But if she wants to win, she needs to appeal to the rationale of voting for a criminal. I am not sure there are many countries where a criminal has a high chance of becoming President. Do Americans want to become a bigger joke than it is now by getting a criminal to run the, for now, most powerful country in the world? Because if she don’t double down on those obvious pain points, people will just vote Trump even if they don’t like a criminal simply because they are Republican, similarly alot those on the Blue side will vote Blue regardless. But it’s now the time to appeal to maybe a small number of Rep with some logic to not vote for a criminal, to vote Blue.

Agree that she needs to keep bringing up the fact that he is a criminal. But I don’t think there is much point trying to sway a Trump supporter.
Dems don’t need to appeal to Republicans to win. What they need is less voter apathy by motivating the large number of typical non-voters to vote, similar to how Obama and Biden won. Republican politics are largely unpopular among most Americans.


Clearly you haven’t noticed what’s going on in Bangladesh. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.


If you could vote in the US, (I presume) it would come down to who you like least less(?).

Sorry, not sure where this post is going but I guess the actual question is, is there a reason for not liking her or is it just one of those things?


I am not American, thankfully no skin in this circus show. If I was asked to vote for a convicted criminal in Singapore, I would think the world is ending tomorrow. But similarly, candidates like Hilary and Kamala, to me , say all the right things…and yes comes across as just and only that. But based on what Limie had posted, it seems that Kamala has achieved some good measures on illegal migration, which was at least something I was interested in as an issue, and I am not about to not take his word for it or his sources, so if that is true, may she continue to further prove herself if she gets elected.

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I agree that her boost is unlikely to last and it’s long time until November, all sorts of things may happen in between. It’s very worrying that she is so far behind in the swing states. It’s ridiculous that they are so important, but they are.


She’s not that far behind. The three blue wall states (Michigan , Wisconsin and Pennsylvania) are all within the margin of error , and she’s also competitive now in the states that seemed out of reach just a week ago.


Yes, it was really Biden that had fallen behind in those swing states, and Kamala now has gotten a big boost. Her social media campaign already has put Biden’s to shame, as they are quite ruthless, and attacking the faults of Trump and Vance, not to mention Project 2025.

The insane amount of money that has been donated in just a week will likely manifest itself in tele ads that will run closer to November, and will point out the chasm between the parties.

I remain hopeful, as it was announced that over 100,000 people have volunteered for her campaign since past Sunday. There really is a groundswell, and it still may be a couple weeks until that shows in polling. Also, polling in the US is a crapshoot, as it can be difficult to impossible to find who is being polled, and how the questions are framed. Heck, Hillary was well ahead of Trump before their election. I don’t put much stock in polls myself.


There are some very, very Republican leaning pollsters that are skewing these numbers, by the way. Rasmussen Report is not at all a neutral polling company and they have Trump +7 where everyone else has them essentially neck and neck.

Plus these are extremely early polls. Harris isn’t even the nominee yet. If ever there was a time to distrust them, it is now.


Rasmussen posts a poll that is 7+ points outside the average then goes and twitter and pushes stories about the Democrats role in promoting election fraud

Real Clear Politics then updates its polling average to say “trump now in the lead with the addition of this new poll”