US Election 2024

Dems need to just mention bone spurs at every opportunity.


MI recently started looking into a seemingly illegal voter registration scheme being run by Musk through twitter. This is the Sec of State questioning why she and the state AG, as well as their counter parts in AZ, have had their blue check marks removed.

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Didnā€™t he change the Blue Tick to be a paid product when Musk took over twatter?

Might be they havenā€™t renewed their payment

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Kinda? I think you can take that word away, mate.

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Trump is lazy and old. He is low energy. The contrast to the Harris-Walz ticket is stark. He doesnā€™t have the numbers. He knows it. And winning the Presidency is his best chance of staying out of jail.

I fully expect Trump to get even more extremist, vicious and nasty. And as he does, the gap will widen, because most people are sick of it.

I suspect that his relative lack of campaigning is not just down to his laziness, but also down to his assumption that he has the electors in place in swing states to hit the brakes on ratifying the vote.

If the election is then decided by Congress, or the Supreme Court, and not the people, all bets are off as to what will happen.

I think Trump is counting on this.

Which is why I said Harris will have to win by such a margin that his awful scheme just wonā€™t fly.

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I hope it will be by a landslide.
Afterall since the Rebellion in that galaxy far far away was built on Hope, why not this Election in our very galaxy?

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The more Iā€™ve read up on this, the more it seems another wildly speculative move pushed by Trump lackeys. Since Kamala is the candidate, she cannot certify the ballots, that would fall to the Secretary of State. Law demands this be done in a responsible and timely manner, and they would have recourse to force them to do so, or to override their delay tactics.

Just what Iā€™m reading, I am no legal scholar.

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This is somewhat conspiratorial, but I think the team is concerned that with all the good press the Harris-Walz ticket is getting and the change in polling that Trump is a loose cannon and liable to do something that makes it works if he has public appearances. It feels like they want to protect him from himself just long enough for the press to find something negative to talk about with Harris, meaning that when he finally is let off his leash he has something to focus on. And until that happens they are going to try to limit his exposure as much as possible.

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These are two separate things. The VP certifying the votes is a ceremonial thing and there is nothing preventing a VP doing that for their own election. Gore did it in the election he lost of Bush, and Daddy Bush did it for the election he won against Dukakis essentially making himself president.

What they are trying to do is prevent individual states from certifying in the event Harris wins that count. That means that states EC votes will be missing and when the VP has to certify the vote there wont be enough to declare either a winner, throwing the decision to the house.


Sorry, didnā€™t do a job making clear my point.

All states have deadlines that MUST be met in the certification process. Failure to meet said deadlines can come with legal consequences. Each state has their own deadlines (of course, many share deadlines), but by federal mandate, these deadlines must be met, or they could be legally liable under federal law.

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If it bumps up to the Secretary of State, and given how much Johnson seems to be in thrall to Trump, I would be concerned.

Iā€™m not up on the legalities of it all, but it looks to me as though it is shaping up for a Harris win, and Trump will then try to snatch it away, claiming it was stolen.

I hope he doesnā€™t have a leg to stand on, or that Harris wins by so much the scheme wonā€™t fly.


Yeah itā€™s an incredibly convoluted process with about 5 different deadlines, but Im not following what you are connecting back to the VP or SecState. By my understanding the major deadlines in question are the one by which the vote must be finalized at the state level, which allows the EC electors to be determined. From there the other deadlines are one for when the electors must vote, one for when those votes must be received by Congress, and then the final ceremonial one of the VP counting them and declaring the winner.

What these people are trying to set up is a situation in which the first of those deadlines cannot be met with some counties refusing to certify. Without that the state cannot and that can be pushed out long enough that they miss their deadline to name delegates. And without delegates the state cannot vote in the EC. If you remember back to Bush vs Gore, this was the basis of the SC decision. They didnā€™t argue that Bush won, only that the remedy the Florida court demanded, which would verify the decision or overturn it, could not be done before their deadline and so they had to go with the existing decision.

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So, that press conferenceā€¦it was just sad. In a room in his own hotel in front of about 20 people. No official campaign material and not even working audio equipment for any of the journos. He is so off his game that even his racist attacks seem tired.

For a campaign that was previously lauded for doing the impossible by running a well organized professional organization built around Trump, something looks to be deathly off with it in the last couple of weeks.


Just saw some clips from it, and thought that Trump looked much older, and more disheveled than he has recently. Looks clear that this Harris-Walz momentum is getting well under his skin.



Iā€™ve read previously they are way behind in terms of opening campaign offices. While part of that you might be able to put down to a rudderless RNC being run by his DiL, everything about them since the convention looks like a campaign that has run out of money. I know they raise a lot, but if you told me they were no longer paying any of their campaign staff it would add up.


He so full of shit.!

He canā€™t be in good health.

Maybe they know if he pushes it heā€™ll have a stroke?

We can only hopeā€¦

Debate happening as scheduled.

The amount of shit he just dribbled, he has clearly lost it.
He can see he is in deep shit,and canā€™t handle it.