Before Biden stepped aside, it was all over. The Dems were sunk. Once Harris emerged as leader, we were in a fight, so from the Dem perspective, massive progress. The initial Harris surge has slowed to the point that it looks like a very close race.
I don’t really trust the polls, as far too many have their own inbuilt bias, and I don’t think a way has been found to adequately quantify Trump in the polls.
I will watch tonight’s debate with great interest. If content matters, Trump is the worst debater we’ve seen, as there isn’t a coherent thought in his head, and he comes across as someone who doesn’t understand how anything works. There’s no grasp of policy, the world, the workings of government, etc.
But he is effective at blustering his way through, being confident, and stumbling onto a soundbite here and there that has his base eating out of the palm of his hand. In that regard he has changed the game, whether we like it or not.
My hope is that on the eyeball test Harris will come across much better - younger, with ideas, and a winning story to tell about the greatness of America that can capture hearts. My hope is this will be in sharp contrast to the mean and vindictive nature of Trump.
At least 90% of it is already decided. There is nothing Trump can do tonight that will make his base not vote for him. He has 45% locked down.
But for the handful in the middle - and it is not many at all, they could possibly be moved one way or the other, influenced by what they see and hear tonight.
I will have the popcorn at the ready, tuning in to see what happens.