US Election 2024

Don’t interfere by trying to remove him from the ballot. Stop with these ridiculous charges that are not going to stick (bar maybe 1). It’s just giving him a platform.

It’s politically based, all from democrat based prosecutors.

I don’t know if it’s possible unless he removes himself. I doubt Harris would remove herself, so I do t know if that would make her the Democrats ticket by default. I would rather have Biden for another 4 years than that moronic lunatic.

Trump is unpopular with independents, however I believe the alternative currently frustrates them more. Another candidate would help.

Yip, just my opinion and predictions based on what I think would be logical. I’m not an expert in this field.

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The legal cases are the result of Trump breaking the law. They are brought by prosecutors, not the Democratic party.


Well I just disagree with you, it’s politically motivated, as far as I know all charges have stemmed from democratic sources. I think one might hold some weight behind it, while the others are frivolous/impossible to win. Its unfortunate that some people are so deranged when it comes to Trump that they can’t think objectively, or refuse to as the hate is too overwhelming. A perfect example that I can think of very recently is Whoopi Goldberg whom I consider an intelligent enough person.

I’m going to take all the journalists; I’m going to take all the gay folks; I’m going to move you all around and disappear you. (Referencing Trump)

If you think those types of concerns are feasible in anyway, then I just won’t be able to have reasonable discussion with you.

Trump is accused of:
Trying to overturn a legal election by force.
Having been fraudulent in his business affairs.
Having libelled and defamed witnesses.
Having misused top secret government files.
Having used campaign funds as hush money.

All of the above are cases being brought against him. All of those are serious matters which should be investigated and charged against any citizen regardless of who they are or how powerful they may be.
What kind of message would it send if all these cases were suddenly dropped?

Whoopi Goldberg is a total irrelevance.


You’re mistaking correlation with causation.

Has it ever occurred to you that the lack of prosecution of Trump from Republican sources might be the politically motivated action?

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I predict he will beat most of them (100+? counts, currently 4 cases?) if it goes to appeals. I think it’s very possible that he will be found guilty on some however they wont be the type of charges that will bar him from running or winning the presidency, and he won’t see the inside of a jail if convicted of the lessor counts.

A really interesting write up here:

More speculation about Michele Obama running, strange rumour that I have seen before, not sure how I feel about that or if it’s even plausible.

Probably just another bit of sensationalism from a desperate reporter.

What do you mean by the “Democrats”? How is it the “Democrats” who are trying to remove him from the ballot? Important consideration is the legal cases and the case to remove him from the ballot are two separate issues and there is no direct ballot access consequences of losing any of the legal cases. Second important consideration…the main plaintiff in the Colorado ballot access case (the Anderson of "Trump vs Anderson) is a Republican elected official

To the degree that AGs and DAs are political actors in the broader sense you can question the political motivations of bringing any case. But the important thing is the filings and cases themselves are public. We can see the strength or otherwise of the cases being brought forward and judge them on that. IN his time as Governor, DeSantis brought several cases that were clear they had no chance of winning on their merits, but provided him great coverage for a few news cycles (the brining of the case gets 10x the coverage of the case being dropped or losing). In contrast, of the 4 criminal cases being brought against Trump (important distinction as there are also 3 high profile civil cases) only 1 has any legitimate questions about its merit (The Manhattan Hush Money case), but is still defensible. Sometimes in politics the politically advantageous thing to do is also the right thing to do, and so anyone who wants to focus on the political side of these, rather than the rule of law upholding nature of the strong cases is themselves being overtly political.

More to the point though, this comes back to the question of what are “the democrats” in your useage? Even if there was a pathway for political actors to influence the judicriary (without massive political liability for all involved), how do “the democrats” as a thing influence 3 different actors in 3 different jurisdictions to their drop cases? I suspect your position here is possibly based on a misreading of the quality of the cases being brought. Even the Politico piece you shared, one that falls over itself to present a 2 sided discussion, really can only raise “this is an unusual case and hasnt been tested in court” as a defense for Trump in the 3 big ones. These arent defenses. They are just statements that Trump’s criminality is unique in American politics.

So on the question of “how the Democrats get rid of Joe”, you’ve answered your own question. Again, “the democrats” are not this centralized powerful body that can move unilaterally to make important moves like determining who will be party nominee. To “get rid” of Biden there has to be someone in the party willing to put their hand up to be the alternative and then be willing to fight to convince the party at large to vote for them instead. No one credible did it, almost certainly because they knew it was a losing battle.

This is fantasy. Every candidate that could put their hand up would have massive liabilities. That is the nature of politics today. Your comparison is against a candidate whose liabilities are known vs one against an imaginary person who by the virtue of not being named and not being in the arena doesnt have those liabilities yet. The second someone puts their hand up though they become a real candidate, immediately tainted by the process. The unicorn candidate of the person who can unite the Democratic, or anti-trump, caucus without liabilities the GOP and press would fall over themselves to interrogate to death just does not exist.

Whoopi signing out!


Don’t worry about that comparison, you were far too reasonable.

Re: the cases trying to remove Trump from the ballot, I’m not talking about the 14th amendment ones, just the other ones that could remove him on the basis of being convicted or a serious crime, which I know now is incorrect as it doesn’t disqualify him.

Also, re me answering my own question on getting “rid” of Biden, let’s say he does remove himself (external pressures, health etc), would Harris be the automatic Democrat nominee? I can’t find a definitive answer anywhere.

There isn’t a defined answer so no one really knows how it would play out, but it means while Harris would be best positioned and the assumed replacement, it would’nt be automatic.

I think with a different person it might work out ok, but I think as a person she doesnt have the constituency within the party for that assumption to go unchallenged. So how does it get challenged? One big issue is the filing deadline for most states has already passed so they wouldnt even be able to have a quickly put together nomination process using the existing primary structure/calendar. It would therefore almost certainly have to be determined behind closed doors by party leaders. If it happened before the summer it could be done at the party conference. Any time later than that and the odds of it being Kamala by default I think increases. But either way at this point would be a process that would satisfy no one and almost certainly result in them losing the election.

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With Trump’s coronation stroll now almost a given , at least we have the consolation of being able to delight in the ignominy that is about to end the political career of the one person almost as objectionable as the man himself.

An amusing piece here about the absolute shitshow that was the DeSantis campaign ;

“To the campaign’s surprise, the message that “I’m just like Trump, but awkward, shorter and less interesting” did not seem to catch.” :joy:

Just like 16 they all ran campaigns on the assumption/hope Trump would disappear and so no one had any plan at all on how to beat him.

In the alternate reality of a campaign without Trump the numbers suggests DeStantis would be absolutely running away with it, and so I think does have to be acknowledged. Haley’s voters are more likely to vote for Biden than anyone else on the GOP ticket, but the rest of the electorate is die hard MAGA. Destantis appeals to those people and all of them would vote for him in a DeSantis-Haley head to head, but they just like Trump more, and he never had any strategy for how to win those people from Trump. It was a campaign that was well aligned to the most hateful element of the party, the group who are their majority, but just not in the reality in which Trump is also viable.

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So this is the guy Democrats are supposed to be terrified to let Joe Biden debate?

I’m debanking right now.

Debank is a perfectly valid word, just like dewank.

Jokes aside, Trump’s actions during the debate will decide who wins, if he interrupt’s, etc, he loses. As Shane Gillis says (comedian), Biden is Trumps kryptonite as he can’t get under his skin.

Is it important from a republican pov that DeSantis and Haley stay in the primary race as long as possible just incase Trump can’t run (for whatever reason)?

I very much doubt there will be a real debate. Trump’s campaign in 2020 made it incredibly difficult to convene them, imposing so many restrictions, constraints, and demands as to format that even if all 3 had taken place, it would still have had the fewest since 1996. In 1996, neither party wanted many because with Perot running but not invited to the debate, both parties felt they had more to lose than to gain. After Trump came off so poorly in the 2020 debates, I am quite sure he will make demands that approach the absurd knowing they won’t be accepted, while loudly insisting that Biden is afraid to debate him. The equation for the Biden campaign is just how absurd of a demand they are willing to accept in order to force the issue.

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I thought the debate issue last election was Covid related (and fly for the VP debate), irregardless, Biden came out ahead even with all the talk of him being declining in mental sharpness. I think Trump really screwed up in the debates as he kept on interrupting, which prevented Biden from putting his foot in his mouth or verbally wondering off script.

Apparently he continually used Nikki Haley’s name yesterday when he was actually talking about Nancy Pelosi and Jan 6.