US Election 2024

I like “Lets Talk Elections” on youtube, very informative and, although I think its clear he’s not a Republican, he’s pretty fairhanded when it comes to discussing likely influences and projecting winners in the election. Very data driven but also factors in actual election results that are happening around the country.

His last prediction, in March, was that Trump would win (based on the data available at the time) but he’s increasingly leaning towards a Biden win.

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The data has changed very meaningfully since the “Biden needs to step aside” panic of January and has received almost 0 coverage outside of political junkie mediums.


No Idea Idk GIF by goodfortunesonly

A truly frightening look at the dark forces now animating Trump and his supporters. Long but well worth the read.


Taken me a while to get through this article, but it’s absolutely spot on.

Thanks for sharing. :+1:


Did you manage to get the interactive bits of his speeches to work ok ?


I wish I hadn’t.

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I would like to change one word:

The real threat is not from the radical right. The real threat is from the radical left. And it is growing every day. Every single day.


The real threat is from the radical right. The real threat is from the radical left. And it is growing every day. Every single day.

lol … I think it was telling though , and chillingly ominous. Comparing his words from 2016 ( ‘I am a unifier’) to talking now about driving out the fascists etc. should leave absolutely no-one in any doubt as to what he’s capable of doing should he return to power. Like Bannon says , it’s not like he’s trying to hide it.


You needed to change “left” to “right” again.

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I think they both lunatic’s and fuckwits.

I know you own the word, but surely I am allowed to use it :grinning:

I really hope that enough people will see through his game and abstain from voting for him. Otherwise, the next four years will be like a never-stopping train crash.

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Strap yourself in.

Or get a strap on.

I don’t see much of a radical left, at all, here in America. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would be demonized as a radical leftist, when to my mind she would be a garden variety moderate left, just left-center in Western Europe. Here is what she stands for. Nobody would bat an eyelid about any of it back in the UK.

There is a LOT of radical right here. It is authoritarian, with tones of fascism.


Thanks for a good read guys and particularly Limie.

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What are radical lefts and rights anyway. To me this world just has a bunch of radicals to me. If you do not agree with their side of perspective, you are evil/bigoted/bad person/hateful/murderer/add all the terms these radicals from an outsider, right or left, radicals are shite.

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Possibly a view that is based on worldview whereby a section of society will either not exist or lack agency?

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I wonder if the radical misfit (aka RFK-Jr) will save the radical left or the radical right? In an age of simplicity (simpletons?), is he the one one to unbalance the scales (or just unbalanced)?