I’m not sure what gives you that impression. If you’ve seen her in committee she’s usually impressive , on top of her brief and asking searching questions. Your description sounds more like the popular right wing narrative of her.
Ok, I guess you sound like the adoring fanboy type. She has zero business sense and is more interested in her popularity than the people she represents, on top of making outrageous claims (maybe for “points” from her followers or maybe she actually believes it). She is an extremist just like Greene on the right.
She is the subject of a ridiculous amount of hate based coverage from the right precisely because she is an educated, articulate, bilingual, attractive Hispanic woman who challenges the established order. That means the average person is going to hear about her more than other politicians, annd almost all of it will be through the prism of “look at that dumb bitch running her dumb mouth”. That is true regardless of what you think of RW politics or where you get your information from. That is just the way the modern information environment works.
As with any public figure there will be legitimate reasons to criticize her, or come to the conclusion you don’t like them, but for her almost all of the reasons actually given is based on the creation of the RW version of her
educated - meaningless as it doesn’t equate to smart or intelligent decisions. Nearly every politician is educated, even right wing extremists. articulate - yes she is. bilingual - she is, ands it’s meaningless, lots of bilingual politicians. attractive - she is, ands it’s meaningless. Once again lots of them. Hispanic she is, ands it’s meaningless. Once again lots of them. woman, she is, ands it’s meaningless. Once again lots of them. challenges the established order, she does, and that’s the most important, however you should restrain yourself from alienating half the population, no matter how much you detest them. This is the problem that all politicians on the extreme spectrum suffer from.
So taking issue with your characterisation of her somehow makes me a fanboy does it ? I’d counter that your depiction of her reveals more about your own prejudices than mine.
Sorry, I just dont think there is a credible argument that those things are anything but central to how reactionary, deep and broad the dislike of her is on the right, which is why they have made such a cartoon villian of her.
I think its a much more complex discussion on how much someone’s views of her is distorted by that caricature when they themselves dont associate with the RW or seek out those sources of information that would be pushing it, but I think in general the power of this phenomenon is precisely in the fact of how much people need to deny it to themselves that it happens to them.
Ok I’m going to stop with going back and forth with the past few posts as it’s not really related to the election imo, not even sure on how we ended up on this tangent.
I understand the emotion linked with candidates and party’s, what I struggle to understand is the inability to agree with some common truths because it came out of the mouth of Trump/Biden. It’s like satan is holding an apple and says hey this is an apple, and the Pope says no it isn’t, it’s a red apple (and no, matter what you think of them, neither candidate is Satan or the Pope)
Wow, didn’t expect that even though I understand the decision. The only uncertainty now is who is trumps VP pick. I dont think Haley has a chance even with DeSantis pulling out.
On another note, from purely a strategical pov, why would the house try help the current administration fix things like the border crisis, or the economy? Why wouldn’t they keep the status quo so that these things can be a stick to beat your opponents with.
Because if they didn’t a functioning press would hold them to account for not doing their job and holding hostage the people they are supposed to represent for a cheap, transparent political talking point
Lol I kid. The press will privately acknowledge it for the cynical destructive approach it is while never acknowledging it in their work life and instead launder their arguments into the public discourse, so there is absolutely no reason to do anything to solve the problem they claim to be a big deal. Which is why we havent had any meaningful immigration reform in a generation.
He’s done so much damage all in the interest of demonstrating his presidential/maga bonifides in a campaign he was always too awful a person with too few redeeming characteristics to have a chance of winning
Yeah, he is still awful. Just in a smaller venue than he was running for.
I suspect Haley runs as long as the money lasts. Politically, she now has little to lose and with no foil in De Santis, might start sharpening her attacks on Trump. That might get interesting, as women who won’t shut up when he wants them to clearly infuriate him.
The problem for Haley is that assuming she isn’t running just to be VP, her only path forward is one in which she burns the boats so to speak. And we’ve already seen with the few direct attacks against him she’s made that they just become devastatingly effective Biden campaign ads. She might not have much of a place ina MaGA gop, but I bet she has no interest in being the pariah blamed by them for helping Biden win