US Election 2024


I’d imagine unless you sell drugs you can’t be billions of cash in hand.

I’m sure you can…

But you’d be selling things even more dodgy than drugs

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I know he’s old, but how many Biden’s are there? :grinning:


This shit is rigged


Today on, ‘What Is This Cunt On About?’


He’s had a longstanding plan to give away his fortune and in the interim lives a very (with the exception of use of jet) frugal life. You so completely miss the point that it’s almost pitifully funny.

Not missing it at all, I think you just misunderstand my pov, either that or I have got so far under your skin that you are overly emotional when you reply to my posts.

You POV is that he should have started saying it earlier, but he was. He’s been saying it for decades. The correction was appropriate.

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He’s not been saying that quote for decades, in fact i am not convinced the quote is 100% accurate, although he has said something along those lines. While it is true he is not passing on his wealth to his children, etc, is a brilliant businessman and investor, my point was its easy to say something when you on top of your game, hence my original statement.
It is much harder to say that when you are building your business and paying excess taxes when you could be reinvesting that extra tax into your business in order to grow your business, hire more people, spend more on business to business services, so forth on so on, so that one day you can have a multi-billion dollar business and sit on your high horse making ridiculous statements, that are unfortunately taken as gospel, which I doubt is his intent. Or according to that quote, pay extra taxes because the government firstly, does such a fantastic job of spending taxes, and secondly they will obviously (sarcasm) not reinstate personal taxes once they have got their share of the extra corporation taxes. So really, its a throwaway quote that is taken entirely out of context due to its ridiculous simplicity, and its unfortunately clung onto by people that want to bash billionaires, and billion dollar corporations for not paying enough taxes. I understand the quote entirely, it’s just tedious having to explain myself to people that continuously think that their interpretation on everything is gospel, and then get overly upset and personal when someone posts something different (and no that is not directed to you).

And none of this is election related.

Claudia Tenney, Republican, asked Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon Trump. I am thinking if she did actually do this, it would be a masterstroke from a Democrat pov as he is still found guilty, yet has received “mercy” from a Democrat Governor.

Can someone reject a pardon? Too lazy to google through shit.

Complete and utter political suicide if that were to happen imo.

Only consequential if on death row?

Accepting a pardon means accepting guilt. I’m pretty sure there will have been lots of cases of innocent people refusing to admit to crimes they didn’t commit.

(Obviously it doesn’t apply to Trump.)

A masterstoke in what? Winning over the hypothetical group of undecided voters who think Biden is secretly pulling the strings over the New York court system to get them to prosecute people who are guilty of crimes?

A Democrat pardoning Trump for crimes he has been found guilty of in a court of law would prove only one thing - the people who say “all politicians are the same” are correct and would depress the Democrat voter turnout.

He’s a criminal, he deserves to wear that and suffer punishment for it.


Strategy. A significant part of the election is going to be fought over the “hypothetical group of undecided voters who think …”, you might not think they exist, I do. I have no idea if these subset of “hypothetical” people are enough to make a difference, but why take the chance? If the aim is to win the election then do what helps.

Hypothetical choice. Would you prefer Biden to win the election or would you prefer Trump to win the election but go to “jail”.

I would have to say that most of the most serious losses that the Democrats have been dealt in the last 15 years or so have come from failing to realize that old norms have collapsed, and Republicans will never pass up any opportunity to take advantage of that. Just look at the Supreme Court for no less than three examples. An act of clemency would be interpreted as weakness and a sign that MAGA was right all along.

Instead, the fact that he appears to already be in violation of the restriction against a felon owning a gun should be immediately used against him. That’s two separate sets of offences now. One more and he can face life with no parole in several states, courtesy of Republican assembles.


There has been one election, the special election in Ohio, since Trump was found guilty. It showed the Democrats gain a huge amount of ground against the Republican Party in a Trump stronghold. In addition 538 have, for the first time, favored Biden over Trump in their latest polling.

There is absolutely no evidence that there is a cohort of voters who have been turned away from the Democrats because of a perception that its all so unfair on Trump to be held responsible for his crimes.

You offer a false premise. The question isn’t whether I would prefer Biden as President or Trump in jail - as if these are the only options. I want people to be held responsible for their actions, not parrdoned because of a bad poli-sci theory about how it will effect the voting intentions of a tiny minority of people who…

  1. Believe Biden/the Democratic Party is secretly in control of district courts and are willing to use them to target their political rivals
  2. Will forgive the above political targetting and illegal/unconstitutional influence if Biden and the Democratic Party now drop those charges arbitrarily.

The only thing that would happen if Democrats now pardoned Trump is that Democratic voters would turn on their own party, therefore leading Biden - and the party as a whole - to lose voters. Of course Republicans raised this possibility in order to grandstand about the Democrats refusing to sanction a pardon. That’s only going to stir up existing Republicans, no one else gives a shit or thinks that should happen.

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Yeah that’s true, and any hypothetical gains would definitely not exceed that loss.