US Election 2024

lol. I realized this is essentially Nathan Fielder’s pitch for the Rehersal, and that seems about right

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That’s the most astonishing TV series I’ve ever seen!

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So let’s wait until he’s over 75, eh? :wink:


I always thought the R party would go with someone like Trey Gowdy - smart cookie him

I’m probably naive for thinking it, but I am hoping that after the Trump cycle, things will move back in the direction of substantive people rising up. Stop laughing!

Right now there are so many unimpressive shills throughout politics. It needs a huge culture shift, and the days of having people with gravitas in politics may be gone, but I retain some hope that at some point people will want better leaders.


Trump did not create this and him eventually fucking off wont end it.


I know, it’s much wider than him. But I’m still hoping that once such an oleaginous carcinogen slips out of the reckoning, however that happens, there might be an opportunity for a grown up to emerge.

In all likelihood it will probably be a true believer, every bit as bad as Trump, only worse, because they will be a lot more capable.

The incentives that created Trump the politician were ones that encouraged people to treat politics as entertainment and rage bait. It had already created a wealth of bad actors and know nothing blow hards before he stepped into this arena, and until something happens to change the incentives our politics isnt going to change.

It’s comforting in some ways to think the Trump problem is about Trump, but if that were true we wouldn’t have shit like the Heritage Foundation, a powerful Regan era think tank right out of the mold of supposedly normal GOP thought, already organized to jump into action and implement the worst of Trump’s campaign agenda. The issue is not that the Republican establishment has gone along with Trump. It is that Trump has given them a vehicle to do what they have always wanted to but previously had to try to sneak in through misdirection and deception.

Trump is enabling Republican orthodoxy, he’s just allowed them to unmask themselves and given the courage to state clearly in public what their aims are

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NYC is a mess!


No chance of that being staged by the MAGA idiots.

Nope, none whatsoever.


Cash Jordan is a former real-estate agent who had a fairly decent following because he made (apparently) interesting videos about the houses and apartments he was trying to sell in NYC.

During Covid, with property not selling in NYC, he pivoted to clickbait right-wing propaganda which proved to be far more lucrative and gets way more views.

All his thumbnails are AI generated, by the way, a trend that dates back to when he would edit and generate images of amazing apartment views to help sell property… Unless you really think NYC Police have “PUIC”, rather than “POLICE” written on the front of their vehicles.


Thanks for giving us a view into your YouTube recommendations though, LuisSuarez. Only confirms my thoughts about your path in life. Go outside every now and again :+1:


I have two issues with him, and arguably they are both out of his control:

  1. He is tainted by being linked to this administration.
  2. His husband is too gay.

Probably a better fit than Newsom, as he is even more tainted through his performance in California. I would vote for Buttiegieg in a heterosexual heartbeat, over Biden, Harris, Sanders, and the like.

Typical biased post, you full of idiocracy.

There are scales?


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Given that the UK election is a given, I wouldn’t risk £1 at 100-1 on Dishy Rishy. So, US election, my money’s on Trump. Not because I want him to run the country but I think he’ll win easily. Frightening.

Yeah, @mattyhurst, @Prolix; @gasband levels are fine; @Klopptimist or @Dane levels not so much…


Yesterday was primary day for a lot of congressional party nominations. I’d be interested to see a statistical break down, but qualitatively it appears like a bad night for MAGA Trump aligned candidates in the various GOP races.

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It’s surprising that there are any candidates left who aren’t Maga-aligned. The impression from over here is that he has the Reps completely in his grip.

I don’t think that is wrong to be fair, but think the primaries show that it is a matter of degree, Of course, the traditional Republican to MAGA chode pipeline is a well traversed one for these people once they actually get elected and become part of the Congressional GOP caucus (see JD Vance).