US Election 2024

Less likely to be slaughtered than Joe.


If no-one can convince that old fool that he needs to drop out then the Christian Nationalist Fascists will control the White House , the Senate , the House and the Supreme Court. Now just imagine what five years of that would look like.

:scream: :scream: :scream:

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I think someone major will have to break ranks. I’m not sure who would have the necessary influence, maybe Obama? But it can’t be a possible successor.

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What about AOC?

She has been mentioned as a possible future candidate, but might be a bit soon for her to run, but being the one to step up and say what needs to be said could be a good platform for her in the future

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She’s at least forty years too young.


I don’t think she carries enough weight. She would be dismissed as a lefty troublemaker. It would need to be someone closer to the establishment.

It’s ironic that Sanders’ age was raised as an issue in 2016 and he’s been fine ever since.


AOC is the only one I see absolutely demolishing Trump in a debate. I’m not convinced about this whole troublesome lefty thesis. Seems concocted by the Dems and GOP to keep the status quo establishment alive, which is the problem that has led us to where we are today. The abortion issue provides a huge window for AOC.

Unfortunately she doesn’t turn 35 until after the convention. And this is probably our last election.

I’m not talking about her being a candidate, although that could be problematic too, I just mean as a senior party figure who comes out in the next couple of days and states that Biden shouldn’t run.
In order for that to have an effect, that person would need to be close to the party leadership and thus able to sway the people who could convince Biden to step down.
AOC could make that statement right now and Biden would be unmoved.

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I apologize. I misunderstood.

Biden is going to be unmoved until the almighty comes down.

Yeah, well that’s not going to happen, so it needs to be a heavyweight.
Personally I’d love it to be Obama as he would be the next best thing to JC. He’s probably too loyal though.

The fact she doesn’t turn 35 until after the convention would possibly work in her favour though. She can’t run so stands to gain nothing. Anyone else that does it will be accused of furthering their own agenda, but what agenda does she further if she is unable to run either way?

The fact remains that she can say what she wants, Biden and his circle won’t listen.

Obama probably knew Biden’s health was deteriorating. Tough for him to now call for Biden to step down. Dems have a cover-up problem.

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They have a whole heap of problems, but the biggest, by far, is the presidential candidate.

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Agree. I just mean it’s tough for Obama to apply pressure (at least publicly) because the media is going to be looking for dirt on who knew what and when.

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Liverpool 4 CL, 4 leagues, 4 FA cups, 4 Carabao, 3 club world cups, City still in first division, and my dick is an inch longer.

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Obama is a great shout for someone with gravitas who could have a word with Biden. Obama stands to gain nothing, and Biden knows the measure of the man, and will take to heart what he says.

Assorted other Dems are speaking out, and you would have to think more is happening behind the scenes, but so far they are lightweight enough to not be moving the dial. Still, there might be echoes of the old Hemingway quote unfolding here, “Gradually… then suddenly.”

I suspect that’s how Biden’s standing down will happen, if it does.

At that point I struggle to see beyond two candidates. Harris and Newsom. If it is a quick switch to the VP, then Harris it is. If a process happens, quick, decisive, vote among members sort of thing, Harris or Newsom would be my guess.

None of us can see the future, but I suspect switching from Biden means switching from certain defeat to once again having a shot.

Either Harris or Newsom can make the case, forthrightly, both against Trump and his plans, and for their own vision of a future America. Trump can’t even do that last part. I’ve heard nothing but retribution and scaremongering. He has no vision.

The key to having a proper challenge will be Biden stepping down. If his wife won’t tell him - and she appears to be an enabler ‘well done Joe, you answered all the questions’ - then Obama is probably the only other person on the planet who he might listen to.

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Surely it would be more prudent for that to happen behind closed doors?

Just seems crazy to blaze it out all over the media.

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Yes, but if Biden is as stubborn as he appears to be, there may be no other choice than to go public.
He’s removed the possibility of reasoned debate with his Lord Almighty comment to be fair.

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If Obama speaks, it will be behind closed doors, directly to Joe Biden. He isn’t the sort to go bleating to the media. Other lesser Dems are starting to go public, which I take as an open sign of a bigger, and mostly behind the scenes, struggle.

Ultimately it’s all up to Biden.

I don’t take the Lord Almighty comment too seriously. It is either a defence mechanism, to show some fight and bravado publicly, after such a tepid debate; or, as a man of faith he genuinely means it, BUT he won’t be waiting for a Moses-style burning bush moment, but rather, an inner peace as he comes to terms with the fact that his time is up.

If he is to get to that point, I think either his wife, or more likely/hopefully Obama, will speak to him.

If Biden is the man of faith he claims to be, he might know the Proverb, “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” Washington DC is full of snakes, and it is difficult to know who to listen to, as they all have their own agenda.

But if Obama wounds Biden, privately, by speaking truth he would rather not hear, the old man should know it is to be trusted.