US Election 2024

Yes, the factual basis has been upheld by a court, albeit a civil court. This case (actually 2 separate cases) is taking the validity of the claims as a given and is dealing solely with the damages for defamation regarding Trump’s response to the allegations


Puts into the perspective the claim that ideas can gain traction in a demographic that have no basis in reality.


This only works if they swap sexes, have a multiracial baby that identifies as gender fluid. They are in a time crunch.

to be utterly fair, she has a point about the absurdity in modern america worshiping celebrity over anything of substance (religion or other)

sports also is becoming to feel more like a capitalist agenda at junior level to be honest…the amount of academies and ‘training programs’ designed to play on parents wallets…

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That is fair, but also is the reason Donald Trump was president - which I’m sure she supported/supports.

So arguments for the Trump ballot access case are being heard by the SC today. It is fascinating that so many down the middle court experts are utterly convinced the court will over turn the ruling despite no one having a strong arguement for why they SHOULD. What does that say about the attitude with which the court is now seen?

Oh, Cool cool


and on virtually any other issue, the same majority of issues would insist on the states have the right to adjudicate and determine their own position unless expressly stated otherwise in the Constitution.

How the hell does that happen? It’s like City judging whether they broke EUFA FFP rules.

Wait a minute…

I have been harping on about the absurd US Geriatric Democracy for years, lambasting US democrats for just running with Biden despite him being over 80 (!!!) years old if re-elected, thinking it beyond insane that they can’t find a successor candidate in the 50s or 60s, but keep pushing the age limit into antediluvian realms. Extremely few people are as peek-sharp when they are above 80 as when they are 66. I don’t know anyone, do you ? And yet, when defeating Trump is the most important matter in existance for the Dems, they, and Biden himself who should fucking know better and step down himself, or stopped by his party if not, keep pushing, weakly claiming that “age doesn’t really matter, experience does”.

Well, fuck you to all of the US Dems who thought this was “wisdom”, since this not at all too surprising news, will be devastating for his chances to get re-elected now. There is so much wrong with American democracy and American democratic process.

It’s so depressing. The US is so incredibly depressing. Comitting suicide in front of the world, wheeling out Methusalahs for the most critical job in the country.
It will now be a fight between the demented ancient Biden and the too old megalomanic nazi on the other side.

Trump will be 78 (lol), Biden will be 82. Jaja. Choosing sharp candidates here for sure to beat the other old nazi.


I am officially politically depressed.

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Don’t worry.

The world survived the collapse of the Roman Empire, and I’m sure The Dark Ages Part Deux won’t last as long as the original.

I genuinely don’t think Biden ever expected to be here. His ambitious vice-president pick didn’t work out, and while everyone says he should step down, no one seems to have a sense of who should step up.


Everything will be fine.

I’d better not have nightmares!!!

I just don’t understand that they did not use latter years of his term to prepare a successor. It is absurd to me and always have been. He was already arguably too old for his first term, now a second ? I don’t understand how they think “this is the guy who beat Trump, so let us automatically run with him”. It’s so absurd. It is as if age and mental facualty and everything else that may come with very old age, is completely irrelevant. Surely, surely, surely; in the vast land of the United States of America, there is someone around 60-65 years old (or even, gosh, younger, 50 year olds are adults with experience too) that is sophisticated enough to beat Trump. Biden’s popularity has been waning for a long time as well, that is not recent.

But they just run with truly, truly old white men.

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Well, anyway. Sadness. The GOP will use this for all it is worth; and honestly it is worth quite a lot indeed.

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showing your age there Arminius

Gavin Newsom.

If there’s a way for the Dems to pivot they need to go to this man.

Solid Democrat. Governor of a State that would have an economy bigger than all but a handful of countries in the world.

Photogenic. Speaks well. Young (mid 50s).

Put him up against Trump and it wouldn’t just be politics. It would be the past against the future.

A bitter old man who is always in legal trouble, intent on repeatedly prosecuting the past and going after his perceived enemies, while not having any vision for the country.


A new chapter.

It needs to happen. Or something very similar.

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I don’t get this Trump nazi bullshit, this argument completely diminishes the evils of the nazi’s.

Suggested him In the op, I think he would walk the election, and it would have nothing to do with how California is being managed. I think someone challenged that idea as Harris is in the way, or maybe it’s uncharted territory.

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