Welcome to Liverpool Cody Gakpo

Elon said we can’t share that info any more

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The babelcoptors being fueled as we speak.


While some Dutch men are ‘flying’ some Dutch internationals are afraid of flying.

Cody may take Bergkamps ferry.

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Joyce article on how we got Gakpo from under Utds nose



Think they’ve got someone lined up for Leicester and Brentford just in case we don’t do well in them :wink:


not really fair to measure Konate whilst his tying his laces though is it?


We still are on the subject of height here aren’t we?

Yeah, that’s my impression as well.

Diaz can at times want the ball more wide.

Jota is more like going in behind or going on little runs with the ball, using his balance and getting into goalscoring positions for those “easy” (precious) goals.

Gakpo could be more able to form more of a ‘4’ (dropping deeper and getting more involved than Salah on the opposite side), come inside, do better in crowds of opponents (where sometimes Diaz when he tries it is a bit too predictable, although keeps the ball really well).

Then our RCM has more of a dynamic role than our more controlling LCM (Thiago), who then helps out Fabinho more in keeping the centre nice and solid. Be it Hendo, Elliott or potentially Bellingham (even if I feel the kid could actually do both RCM/LCM roles). In order to still provide Salah with the role he’s best at, not start playing him deeper in his 30’s.

I mean, Gakpo is brand new, coming from a weaker league so we’ll see if he can be a quality player for us first and foremost. Who knows how it evolves over the next few years.

But stylistically, that could be especially important if our main plan is to try and build a balance that allows us to have Salah in his position/role on the right and Nunez as the main central guy. So the third guy needs to be more of a creator, a well rounded player, able to do different things, certainly get involved, etc.


Do you think he could be a starter ahead of Diaz?

At the moment I can’t say anything because he’s new.

He will probably immediately compete for that left side of attack until February or March. If he proves he can start straight away.

Here’s hoping he can more or less hit the ground running like many of our forwards did.

But more long term, I have no idea.

Diaz himself wasn’t quite the finished article in my books. Yes, very good start to his LFC career, but like Klopp said before last summer, there was and there’s still work to do with him in terms of specific details.

Jota was sort of used between two positions. Generally happy with him, some off games here and there. Then some injuries, which was disappointing (to lose both main options for the left side).

I think with fans, we can sometimes be like spoiled brats. The love immediately shifts to the new “toy”. Jota, Diaz, now it might be towards Gakpo (especially if he starts well, Nunez is more different, he still pretty much splits opinion). It’s like a circle; excitement, love, boredom, meh, who’s the new one?

Injuries can also happen and unfortunately they did, stagnation in development can happen, interest from elsewhere/willingness to move.

Gakpo himself, I mean, we’re obviously bringing him hoping that he’s another serious player for us now and for the future. But he first has to show it.

We’ll just have to relax and let them battle it out. And then see if those are our 5/6 forwards for next season.

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He sounds closer to a direct Firmino replacement to me. Deeper lying.


I was not expecting another forward. Fascinating to see how this develops over the next few months.


These also know how to f*ck buying clubs.


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Didn’t PSV say this is a record sale for them?

Yeah, could be with bonuses.

Most deals are structured anyway (especially ours), but it’s also understandable if transfermarkt are using the current “price”.