What's happening?

You are welcome !



I’m at proper loss for words. If the photos are this stunning, I can only imagine what it looks like in person. I hope I will get to see it in person one day, though, I’ll make sure I brag about it! :joy:



This series of pics is truly incredible. Thanks for posting them, mate! :+1:

Happy new year to everyone, may you all encounter love and kindness, everywhere you go. May you enjoy the gift of life, and those you love enjoy it with you. May your wishes be wise, and fulfilled.

Oh, and last but not least: may LFC win everything on the way to the quadruple! :smiley:


Do they come in other colours, it’s always the same few boring colours.

Tends to be green. Then violet, blue, red and purple.
I don’t find them boring at all and it’s very fascinating when it moves overhead.
Most people enjoy it a lot. Never really met anyone who doesn’t really, since it can be pretty spectacular.

I mean, it’s not secret information, you can just google and read about it in 2 min:

He’s just jealous.


I don’t know if he is jealous or not, but I find his comment a bit odd.
It’s not so regular where I live that I am that blasè about it. I don’t live that far north.62-something* N., 54-something E.

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I should have known I shouldn’t make a high level joke with Magnus.

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I don’t know how “high level” it was, but sure, I didn’t get it. I do not normally have an issue understanding a bit sophisticted jokes though. But maybe this time I did. My loss, I suppose.

Gasband is the resident “artist” he was making an artistic comment in jest about the colours, not an odd comment for those that are aware that he is like Picasso on speed.

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Gasband, according to one of his previous posts, also does stand-up comedy across many venues… Having said that, either his material needs a little smoothing over, or, @Magnus would do well to avoid buying a ticket for one of his shows :0)
Simple answer to keep everyone on the winning side, just photoshop a couple of seagull’s into the pictures.
BTW… I think the images are spectactular, so well done Magnuss




Mrs CDO and I saw them in Iceland a few years ago. What a sight. :+1::nerd_face:


Wonderful background to view whilst doing your shopping


Missus family dog is being put down at 3pm today - very grim. He’s had a good long life (for his breed), and is almost 12 now. Ive been with missus for 10 years now, and lived with in-laws for 18 months whilst we were renovating our house, so he’s been a big fixuture in my life, and bigger in wifes familieis lives. Gonna be a tough day.


Gives Gasband a hug

Happy New Year, man !

Sorry, I didn’t catch your joke, lol :smiley:

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If you did a Venn diagram of the world’s population and people who don’t get Gasbag’s jokes, it’d be a circle.


It’s always very painful when that day comes.
With my dog, I had more or less finished grieving when we put him down, but it hurt even so of course. He was 11 years old. And we kept him a month too long, he didn’t have a good life the last month, could hardly get up (leukemia). So he was served his favorite dish ( dinner pancakes, the only food he started singing when he smelled), then his last drive to the vet. We loved him too much.
The house felt like a void when he was dead though.

But I try to keep these things in perspective. My stephfather died of cancer in the same house, in a bed. My grandmother had a stroke there and was thereafter unable to speak, dying soon after. A dog is a comrade, a beloved member of the family and it hurts like hell; but it could be worse and often is when people close to you die.