What's happening?

:rainbow: whoa the positive prognosis of the Third Noble Truth in the teachings of conditioned and unconditioned awareness!

But your thoughts and passage strike a chord. A lot of the teachings are non-conceptual and simply have to be experienced directly. Sometimes words donā€™t speak to you. Itā€™s actually one of the reasons Buddhist teachers donā€™t ever describe their experiences in meditation: you have to experience your own way through the Path. A fellow Sangha member once told me to stop screwing up my eyes attempting to understand everything and just take away what makes sense intuitively.

If youā€™re ever out my way, we can definitely meet and talk for hours until weā€™ve both taught each other wrong things. Indian meal on me.

By the way, I have been taking classes with Mingyur Rinpoche. His books speak to me (Joy of Living and Joyful Wisdom) if youā€™re interested at all.

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Funny! Guides are amazing. I met a young guide hiking in Alaska last summer. She had gotten lost and was found passed out climbing Everest, then climbed Kilimanjaro, studied Buddhism in Nepal, studied yoga in Rishikesh, and was now off to Australia on a reef conservation team. She has been talking me into climbing Kilimanjaro with her. Wish I had their courage!






Now even @Iftikhar has gone over to the dark side. You are no longer the puppy eyed, cuddly curry Ifti. Look what this forum has done to you.


Its flipping freezing down in Ealing! :cold_face:
I just nipped out for some milk and bread!

Howā€™s the weather up North? I heard it will pretty bad. Stay safe everyone.


Looks like it is doddering around freezing in Liverpool, but it looks like it will be just above for the match. Definitely one for the big coat.

On a related topic, I bought a Levi Sherpa jacket, which has to be the cosiest coat Iā€™ve ever owned. Unfortunately, I now look like an American trucker.


Go with the Canadian tuxedo look


You should have gone for an Afghan coat. That keeps you nice and snug.

You could audition for that programme ice road truckers. The ones who drive on the most dangerous road to Alaska.


When it is so cold, i just donā€™t feel like doing anything except watch tv, listen to the radio and drink tea, hebal and yorkshire wise an have rich tea biscuit or crackers.


Surely a nap is on the cards too?

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Itā€™s -1 here in Doncasterā€¦nipped to our nearest supermarketā€¦(Lidl)ā€¦no milkā€¦very little breadā€¦so if we run out of foodā€¦Itā€™s frozen spring
rolls and strawberry cheescakeā€¦what a combinationā€¦

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My prospects for coming home after footy tomorrow nightā€¦


RedWhippetā€™s Sherpa is inadequate


Yepā€¦blankets over kneesā€¦big dressing gown onā€¦big mugs of teaā€¦and boxes of biscuits from christmasā€¦oh and hubby has a hot water bottleā€¦


Not really. Its usually a hot water bottle in bed and a cuppa with the tv on. I am chuffed about my newish OLED tv, screen is clear and i watch youtube videos on places around the world i would probably not have the energy or capacity to visit.


I canā€™t live without my hot water bottle. I made a Victoria Sandwich cake yesterday, which is going down well so far.

My friend from Taiwan is staying with me over Christmas and she is loving the cold.


Weā€™re digging out food that we bought for Christmasā€¦ā€˜just in caseā€™ā€¦


I took the left over roast chicken pieces out the freezer and made lentils and rice, not cooking tomorrow.

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That reminds me of a character from a Japanese series on Netflix called First Love.

If you love a good sappy romance, watch it (and do yourself the favour of not reading the linked Wikipedia article).

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Why is this? Worries about freezer failure or?