That Beige kit is cracking. Love it.
What exactly is the colour??? Is it ash, is it white, is it a white kit kept in an ash heap???
Pretty nice kit though.
Not to be too negative, but that looks like one of Bolton’s old kits to me.
This looks a bit different imo
Probably because the kit in photos does not have the Vapor pattern?
Yes, I just read this…
Nike release “stadium” and “vapor” versions, the adult stadium version comes in at £69.95 and the adult vapor version this year will come in at £104.95 which is £5 more than last year. (Player Version)
The collar looks green as well not black which is a huge difference.
Oh crap, it’s fruit lolly orange
As long as we’ve got our opponents licked, I couldn’t care less what colour it is.
Looks a very dark green, will look black when the players sweat it.
I assume we will play in it for the last game of the season.
Done that the odd time when we have stuck with the same shirt designer and no change of shirt sponsor.
Fuck. Looks like a Man Utd shirt.
Is that original?
It’s not the player version it’s the lesser version. But yes, 100% production sample.
Nice, congratulations. Didn’t know it was available in some parts of the world.
Though I was hoping that’s not black.
…but I thought that the cross hashes are supposed to be “linked” (zig-zag) and not “disconnected”?

It’s not the player version it’s the shit version
So it is a manc top.