Where is the Adidas Kit Money, John?

The Ecru is lovely.

The red is fine when you know the story behind the “crimson” trim

That’s a great question. This new yellow came out of nowhere. Knowing Nike they’ll still sell the pinstripe version at retail outlets.

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Tbf, I’ll make all of these look amazing.


I was so excited when we got Nike onboard, but have been disappointed with the designs (first 4). This, coupled with the price increase, made me decide that I’d go down the route of “too old to buy jerseys”, but the Ecru got me. Had the original all those years back, now I got to have this. Well f**k you anyway Nike :joy:

The ecru is nice.only problem the design and pattern on it which looks lovely is only going to be on the “elite” shirt (ie the players version) so that’s £100 and a heat pressed badge.

Jeez that’s a shocker. Never been a fan of yellow shirts despite their prominent place in our history but that looks so cheap and tacky.

Again, what could have been a relatively classy design, if a little straightforward, is ruined by trying to be a bit edgy and different.

Cheap and tacky, i’m all over it.


With the complexion of Robertson, he will be in camouflage when we play in the ecru. :stuck_out_tongue:


im picking you as a full kitter…own name on back of the shirt for good measure…


Nah, “Quek”. :wink:


Not a full kit wanker. Just a wanker!

I don’t get a shirt every year, more like every other year and I’ve always gone for the home strip. Never bought shorts or socks!

Oh, and I’ve never got a name on the back! @Prolix


last two kits I bought were the toxic orange Firmino jersey for the CL run when we lost to Madrid, and VvD’s at the anfield store which I’ve only worn a few times. that green one this year was pretty loud but I could have pulled it off.

I bought the orange for the day I went to Anfield and it worked like a charm

you should try it. full kit just adds a little edge to your game…

i wear mine as much as possible as it helps me boss the midfield in practice…those under 11s know who owns the middle of the park.


The yellow with red pinstripes is available on AliExpress. I think I’ll order one as I prefer it to the one above with the checked collar. :nerd_face:


Fuck AliExpress. Think you need a trip to Vision Express, mate.

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I don’t mind the yellow but this yellow would have been better


Sorry, didn’t know where to put this.:neutral_face:

What next, LFC kitchen roll?


With Fabinho’s smiling face on each sheet.

Cleans up everything.


I remember I had the yellow full kit when I was a kid. I thought I looked fantastic playing it it at school.

In hindsight…

At 53 I am now way beyond them. Although for my 3.5 year old daughter :slight_smile:

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It would be interesting to know who and why as I was going to buy that one, won’t bother now.

One of my first ever kits is the one posted above the yellow crown paints one, wanted one for the little one as well!

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