Where is the Adidas Kit Money, John?

:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

Yeah but you were also a kid.

I wouldn’t particularly notice during a game, I didn’t with eithier home or away kit last season and I owned both.

I would like the additional pattern as it looks nice but the shirt and colour and collar look fine as they are. As for badges I’d take sewn any day but if the players feel more comfortable in the ironed on ones then I’m not going complain that my shirt is different in that regard.


Anybody got any idea what the top Klopp was wearing for the pre match press conference

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It’s nice. But it be better without the AXA


No new kit (yet). I put on the New Balance pinstripe kit that we won the PL in today.

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The top that Klopp had on in the presser is almost like a black out version of this

The muppets hosts on Bein Sports complained about the colour of this year’s kit: The red is too red or the orange is too orange…I thought that Nike calls it Crimson? They just want to moan something about LFC.

I think that the red colour is just fine, unless the colour calibration on my TV set or notebook are all crap. :rofl:

I guess I just need to see the new kit in person!


I have that exact tracksuit The Boss was wearing. My son gave it to me for my birthday and I look ridiculous in it. I thought it was some collaboration with Gucci. :man_facepalming::see_no_evil:

EDIT: misread your post. I have the tracksuit he wore during the match. Not the pre-match.


Desperate to moan about us, wouldn’t want to make their punditry look crap.

The press conference jacket is called a tech fleece. It seems to be customised for Liverpool with the badge.

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Ah cool.

Do we know if it’s being launched with the LFC range?

Just noticed they are on the LFC shop but they aren’t blacked out and they have like a grey part at the top, available with or without the AXA.

I hope they bring out the blacked out version

My sister told me to get it as my birthday present!

TBH, the massive, bright swoosh would be perfect for us here in Canada when the Eastern Standard Time comes into effect in the autumn (fall)…Darkness comes earlier, and walking around /crossing the streets in black / dark clothes is asking to be hit by the numb nuts not paying attention while driving.


Is it fluorescent color???

I did like the stuff they had on at the weekend, I hate overbearing logos.

Hopefully next time he wears one it’s gone.

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I’m not a fan of the fleur de lis pattern

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Does any one know if the 3rd kit has been officially launched yet??
Sure I heard I’m mentioned on the anfield wrap but can c n e thing on TIA, surely it will have been released now with season underway


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