Where is the Adidas Kit Money, John?

A certain club basically completely ripped off our 40s badge for theirs.


That Ecru top has been complimented a fair bit on my travels

Did you ge the stadium
Version or the elite version Matty

So when is that 3rd kit launch?

Oh yeah, that’s really odd.

Then again Norwich launched their one only last Friday I noted.

Is there any chance we go old school and only have two kits this season?

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No chance. The 3rd is coming.

Being launched tomorrow


That thumbnail of Jordan makes it look like a McDonalds ad :face_vomiting:

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I was hoping for a black colorway.

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Just look at it the same way I do… with each ugly kit / training top etc. Nike release, they help me save money.

I was excited at the Nike deal, but haven’t bought a single thing yet. Love the Ecru, but the “Stadium” isn’t as nice as the Vapor and I’m not paying more for something that will be destroyed after a handful of washes. I’ll keep wearing my NB gear until Nike get their act together.


I like the initial look of the 3rd kit - yellow is just not my colour though

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Yellow is my favorite colour but I would never wear it! :rofl:

Fully agree. Nothing they’ve done so far remotely appeals to me either. Finally got to see the home and away shirts up close last weekend and they just look cheap and gaudy. Even the Ecru one which I thought looked great in the pictures looked more like a white top that had seen too many washes and gone a bit grey rather than a deliberate off-white colour.

Most of the training stuff is crap too. Hate all the little icons (yes, I know they come from the Shankly gates) but they still look like a cheap knock off Louis Vuitton pattern. And the less said about the giant orange swoosh on the jacket Klopp has chosen for match days the better.

Never liked yellow kits. Think they always look cheap but aware that’s a personal taste thing. But somehow they’ve managed to make a yellow kit even worse than anything I could possible conceive.


The elite versions are decent.

The stadium version is awful and just looks like a cheap generic version that Nike and other brands offer on their team wear selection that your local pub team can choose from

I don’t know if Spurs have the same elite and stadium versions thing but their equivalently priced ones looked much nicer than ours. Perhaps I’ve just not paid as much attention so don’t know there’s a better version out there.

Have to admit at feeling a tad jealous of the Arsenal collection. They had a great set of kits last year and this years are also very nice. Shame the team can’t live up to the kits but definitely a few envious glances at their offerings.

A little bit weird that we will have beige and yellow as our 2nd and 3rd choice.

Have no issue with the Ecru stadium version to be honest.

It’s best thing they’ve done.

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Nine has set the bar for best thing they’ve done for us (aside from all the money of course) pretty low though…

It’s a bit odd that Twitter had mentioned the launch of the kit but not the club website

Thé écru elite kit is lovely… the stadium version… meh it’s ok.