Where is the Adidas Kit Money, John?

With the club getting 20% of all Liverpool Nike sales, you think the club would ask them to produce at least one or two items that weren’t nauseating.

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Would you send this back? Its the drill top.
Not worn it much but the AXA has started to peel off and crack. Bought it day of release.
Its been washed twice on a very low temp as we wash all the kits together (Daughter train in full LFC kit and drill top)

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I certainly would. Totally unacceptable for the price we pay.

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Agree - I would send it back but it just goes to shows these garments are not meant to last


Scandalous. Send it back by all means.


I agree that’s pretty bad, one thing about NB they generally stayed intact, I’ve only seen a bit of loss on the black goalie shirt (the Green one ironically has never seen any damage and I’ve trained in that).



Those Warrior Sports designs were so damn awful… :woozy_face:

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I look back quite fondly on the Adidas designs of the 90s.


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They weren’t that great… not sure what the nostalgia about them are really.

If you like three stripes on every kit I suppose I can see the appeal but it does limit yourself.

Our last one with them was also the Welsh away kit


I’ve actually got a soft spot for a few of them… not as football kits, eew no just nasty, but as LFC related tops to wear with jeans etc. but then I’ve always had questionable fashion sense! Would really love to find the 3rd shirts in “big fat bastard” size from 2013/14 and 2014/15. Plus some good football memories in a few here and there too.


The really sobering thing about that chart is how many of how many of our kits have been, relatively speaking, over just the last few years.


I like the look of some of the PSG x Jordan stuff - will be interesting to see what they come up with.

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I started supporting Liverpool in 1993/94 so that probably explains it

Air Milner?

I was a year earlier, I think my first favourite kit was the gold one which seemed unique for Adidas.

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Loved it

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They must be aiming to hypnotise opponents:

Even as a mockup, it’s aghast.

Football shits going psychodelic seems to be a trend. Spurs away or third kit this year is similar

On the offal the other day they had a 25% discount on Training range so I ordered my daughter the Red tracksuit for her football training, my son this seasons Red drill top and I got last years £90 drill top for £24 - i was well chuffed with that.