20 Points in 24 Days, the TAN Fitness Drive to No. 20

Maybe there is more adjustment to terrain during trail running, hence slowing down to navigate stuff?

Another few pounds off and 10m on the bike today. Hectic weekend of work work and work.

Dunno, I wouldn’t call todays effort a vey technical run. 2 gates to open close and that’s about it. Only thing I can think of is the short sharp changes in gradient making building a rhythm difficult.

Official complaint now on scoring system.

  1. It incentivises visiting the site rather than weight loss or exercise
  2. Exercise should be in 10 minute intervals
  3. If I chop 1 minute off my run time but only get a bonus for 30 seconds
  4. Similar with running further. No extra bonus for running an additional 1km over 0.5km extra.