Alexis MAC ALLISTER: 2023/24

We sadly think only racism comes from the stands but there is a hell of a lot of dickheads in football.

Though saying that I do think clubs will stamp it out openly.

It’s a very dumb statement and I would hope he understands why his team mate has attracted ire.


“Has Macca come out in condemnation of it? No? Fucking hell, the thick racist cunt!”

You only have to look on the likes of RAWK. It’s like a fucking competition to see who’s most outraged. Calling for his contract to be terminated and it’s incumbent on Liverpool Football Club to make a stand on it. Absolute madness.
I don’t think Macca’s a racist. I think he tried to back his mate when he should have kept out of it.
I’ll be supporting the lad 100% when I’m back in Anfield in a few weeks, I’ll leave the pitchfork-wielding to others.


It isn’t a binary thing.

I don’t think Mac has much to answer, but someone at the club should have a quiet word that maybe keeping his mouth shut in cases like this might be better.


I agree. The problem is though there are people who will look for any angle to put the boot in, especially if there’s a suggestion of racism.
Case in point being the ‘gammon’ argument which I see has raised it’s ugly head again.

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I dont get why its even an argument. Egg > pineapple. Everytime.

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Controversial, but based on girth, probably accurate.

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I remember a couple of weeks ago , where there was a photo of white guys at a Dutch match dressed as Ruud Gullitt and their is now/was a negative reaction from media.

Nathan Ake responded by saying that it had gone too far and shouldn’t be an issue and said in fact that Ruud loved it and felt the love and respect from the fans dressing as him. The complete opposite of what the media wanted to make out of it.