Anfield and Kirkby

Steward from Anfield to assist fans at away grounds.

Any reason for the truss? I know the Tory Party need to elect her to finish them off but I mean the Anfield Road stand.

thatā€™s a big hunk oā€™steel. wowsers.


Liverpool chief Billy Hogan admits the club ā€˜will considerā€™ selling the naming rights to their new Anfield Road stand - with Ā£80m project ā€˜on trackā€™ to be completed by the start of next season.

Iā€™ve got no issue with that.


Itā€™s a stand at the end of the dayā€¦ no issues.

They said the same about the main stand. That hasnā€™t happened (if somebody gives us ?? 20million to name the stand for 5 years) Iā€™d have no issues with it being the ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ stand. Same with the Anfield road. Weā€™re probably missing a commercial trick with it.

The Kop and the SKD stand should not be sponsored though.

Main stand (bit of a shit name in reality) and the Annie roadā€¦. No issues.

It could be the (sponsor name) Anfield Road end.

The Axa Anfield Road End or the Standard Chartered Main Stand for example as id like the original names maintained in some way.


I wouldnā€™t even be bothered with it being called the Standard Chartered stand. In fact I wouldnā€™t even be against these crytocurrency lot sponsoring that. It wouldnā€™t hurt like carrying a bankrupt sponsor on your shirt.

Ye I wouldnā€™t be against it. The only problem with Crypto is if (when) the bubble burst I wouldnā€™t want to our club to be near it. Part of the sponsorship deal would be atldvertisong crypto to fans. Where as the majority of us have enough sense to stay away from it, same with NFTs, there will be some who are gullible enough to think that as itā€™s an official club partner and sponsor it must be safe. Muddy watersā€¦


Thatā€™s true, Iā€™m not a fan at all, my major issue with the shirt sponsor was the fact it could ruin any shirt mid season that the fans had bought and would be a bit embarrassing.

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Can do it the FA Cup way. Start with something like:

FA Cup sponsored by Littlewoods

Then after a few seasons, increase revenue by calling it something more readable like:

The FA Cup with Budweiser

Then finally, after a few more years, increase revenue even further by doing what you say:

The Emirates FA Cup


Just call it the sportwashing cup and be done with it. Itā€™ll automatically be gifted to City annually too at this rate.