Anfield and Kirkby

I was lucky enough to be able to get to a few games every year for about 15 years up to 2019/20,keeping it to 4 games a year so i could go to some of the bigger matches.Once they came back with this new system last year or 2 i haven’t been able to get tickets for more than 1 game each year and have now lost the chance to see us play against the teams who usually are seen as the top 8 or so.I’ve no problem with going to these games but it seems unfair after all this time that i now stand no chance of seeing us play chelsea,city,arsenal etc but am still paying for my membership weather or not i get any tickets to games,am restricted to only a few teams and may not even get the chance without entering a raffle to buy tickets…

I was in the new Upper Anny for the United game. Loads of singing pre-game on the concourse, everyone standing when we got inside with no attempts made to make us sit down and atmosphere was great. All members up there incidentally. No season ticket holders. It eventually tailed off because the team didn’t respond. It’s a two way thing. Always has been at Anfield.

The main problem for me with the general atmosphere these days is the Kop. It’s the heartbeat of the stadium and yet you barely hear a peep out of it. It’s not the fault of daytrippers either. It’s the ancient demographic of the season ticket holders in there. Filled with people who can barely stand up but who can’t be moved to the Kenny cos it just doesn’t work like that. Free the Kop up for more members who are likely to make the most of the experience and you’ll improve the atmosphere.


Genuine question, are there really a lack of cheap tickets for young people? Why I am asking is because I was once offered on paper a 19 pound (or 9 pound I cannot remember) ticket, which is only available to the younger age groups or some community ticket and it was trying to resell to me for 190 pounds. This means that there are some people out there abusing the subsidized tickets to the touts. Of course we can try to put all the responsibilities on the club, which they should take up the lead to resolve these issues, it seems that the resale market is very attractive to young people who rather have cash than watch a match. But to be fair, I cannot claim to know exactly that is a prevalent situation or just happen to me that particular instance.

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Crazy amount of tout tickets and that’s just one website

I assume these are tickets that have been given up by season ticket holders/members, rather than corporate hospitality?

Club should just cancel them outright - they’re paid for anyway, then a couple of hours before kickoff sell then for a £10 a go to anyone under the age of 25 or whatever.


My belief is that Jurgen has said what he has for a specific purpose that is bigger than the obvious first impression. He is not a stupid man, he will already be fully armed with hearing the gripes from the fans that want the same stadium noise as him… He knows he can’t directly challenge FSG policy regarding the commercialism of the club… but what he can do is bring this issue to the surface, by making such a statement as he did recently, knowing full well there will be a groundswell of fans opinions on the matter… In other words, to me anyway, he has INDIRECTLY, challenged the present club format for dealing with supporters…
We know he is doing his utmost wearing his managers hat, it has certainly become obvious, others involved in the running of LFC, are falling somewhat short in encouraging that the stadium is ‘bouncing’ for the majority of the games.

I am not surprised. the tout I know basically seats himself at a bar in Liverpool centre and people will come and collect whole day long the day before the match. Reselling is definitely not ethical but in the context of people who needs the cash, and tourists who come for a once in a lifetime experience but could not afford a hospitality, the ethical lines are blurred.

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I have been to Anfield twice. The first time I got a season ticket in the Kop because he could not attend but he did not resell, just charged me what’s the ticket value.

The 2nd time I was offered the 190£ ticket which was a 19£ ticket on paper. You can understand why some people sell off their tickets.

I think it was spontaneous.

He came out with a similar approach a few times over the years, just using different words sometimes. Let’s not forget that he often praises the atmosphere, too.

If it was something precisely planned or aimed at higher changes, he would’ve been more specific in that direction. He’s got enough in the know people around him at the club to explain him those issues.

I took it as he said it, without all these details around it and difficulties - can Anfield be louder as it is? Of course it can. I saw it as a rallying call, that’s it. He’s asking for a bit of help, like let’s do it together, in a tough schedule in a season that is hard to judge what we’re capable of. Could be more special than we were hoping for last summer. And Klopp won’t be here forever, it’s most probably the final few seasons. A little wake up call to see the bigger picture and appreciate more what we’re still doing together.

We all love him, but he’s also very well aware how much he’s loved and that he can risk a bit more with what he says. I don’t doubt he’s a very natural person, but I do think he sometimes plays that card very intelligently. And why wouldn’t he, he’s human and it solves situations. Some other managers would get crucified.

I did disagree with him a few months ago when he was having a go at fans singing his song during a game. Let the fans pick which songs/chants are sang and when.

As for Anfield, well, there are probably a number of different issues that are not helping the case.

And it’s different culture also.

The Kop is not this sort of ultra scene with a square of fans behind the goal singing and drumming for 90 minutes, without pause, in almost the same rhythm (I respect the effort, but that can be boring as f*ck). Is fan support measured by the sheer physical capacity to shout as much as you can over 90 minutes? Really?

I sometimes wonder at such places do a lot of these fans even watch the game? Is it possible to be standing (of course it would help), watching the game concentrated enough and also creating/enjoying a top atmosphere? I believe it is.

So there’s no winner if fanbases go down this route like who is the loudest and for how long during a game and during a season. Decibel warriors. I repeat, I respect such places, but Anfield doesn’t have to be like that. It’s already pretty good, universally respected (there’s always a bit of myth to it) and it can be even better with a few changes, in it’s own spontaneous way.

Age average surely plays a part, too. I don’t know how it compares to other leagues, but on the other hand, it’s actually one of the things that makes English football so special. It means so much to so many people, young and old. I love meeting older fans whenever I get the chance to travel up to attend a game or go on away European trips. So many stories to hear and things to learn.

You have someone’s dads and grandfathers going regularly to games (home and away). That in itself isn’t the issue, but perhaps at least the Kop might have a section where younger locals can be together, at more affordable prices. It’s very sensitive because you want it to be more open but not exclusive also. How do you exactly find the right balance, people much more qualified for it must decide.

As a little detail that was mentioned, not that it’s really important for atmosphere. I love George (would love to meet him, more than a lot of players and managers), but maybe the whole Thunderstruck pre-match stuff could be dropped. I get what he might be trying to do, in correlation with our playing style from the word go, etc. We have one of the most original stadium intros in world football, let’s not lose it by playing really random shouty shouty songs. Like some other clubs do.

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If you have a season ticket you can sell your ticket back to the club, even if you have bought in advance. I did it when I had the one at Palace and I’ve done it for a Liverpool game I did in the members sale.

The only reason you’d flog to a tout is for greed, would be a perfect way of stopping that but the club would get moans from that as well.


Artist in hanging around with 'orrible 'unts shocker!

I traverse between the light and the darkness. You mean its not obvious from my art?

I can certainly see it in your horse eouvre stuff. The rest… Not so much. Btw, do you think you could do more of the horsey stuff - I sold the last ones for a mint!

Onana took an age with the goal kicks from the first minute last week. There were whistles in the first few minutes, but then the crowd seemed to accept it.

If the crowd were on top of it, then more pressure could’ve been applied to Onana (who already was kicking balls mostly out of play).

I need to evolve, so do my horse.


He looks like Colonel Sanders

When do we have a full house at Anfield…thought it was today…

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