Animated TV Shows / Animes (Retro)

The original theme

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The movie intro (WHAT a song!!)

As far as I am concerned, the only real Transformers movie.

That Michael Bay shite is an abomination!


As a kid I used to be allowed Nutella on toast on weekends, and my memory is of sitting in the lounge in my PJs watching Transformers being delivered my breakfast by my dad. In reality it probably only happened like that a handful of times, but even to this day the Transformers theme song makes me thing of warm gooey nutella.


No Batman/ X-Men/ Spider-Man animated version fans here ?

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The best Batman series (liked Batman Beyond too)

Another awesome intro and still great show

Hasn’t aged well but that theme tune is a classic!

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That spider has only got 6 legs…! Just saying is all :0)

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I was rather referring to the 90s Spider-Man show.

I liked Batman beyond as well and X-Men evolution too.

Also swat katz was fun as well … especially their intro music

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The first two rather than the Disney toons. Although I will say that Disney had some very good toons as well.

So much stuff ive never heard of in this thread.

Earliest cartoon that i remeber was Banana Man. Loved it as a kid.

Then there were the usual transformers, thundercats, turtles, Gargoyles, Spiderman etc.

Then when i was a wee bit older the likes of Beavis and Butthead, Ren & Stimpy, Simpsons, King of the Hill and Southpark were regulars for me.

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Ok, coming with some real classics

And then the ultimate OG


The two football animes Kickers and Captain Tsubasa were a huge part of my childhood.

Totally forgot about Hong Kong Phooey and Battle of the Planets. Watching these intros made me realize that I have seen them too. I loved the Thunder Cats, Tom & Jerry, Scooby Doo, and Popeye. Also loved two Russian/Soviet cartoons Masha & the Bear and You Just Wait.


Some of my favourites,not all when i was a kid


wonder which idiot thought that these cartoons weren’t for kids anymore and the kids nowadays watch idiotic stuff.

Some of the new japanese anime’s are cool and all but I quite pity the kids nowadays who can’t watch the old cartoons. I mean you can get re-runs but it’s not the same anymore


Ducktales was legit!

Also liked


Chip‘ n Dale Rescue Rangers was one of the best games on the Nintendo NES.

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Can’t beat Contra for NES games.

Darkwing Duck anyone ?


Also duck Dodgers…

Different companies but Daffy and Donald were my fav Looney tunes/Disney chars