Assisted dying… should it be allowed?

This feels like the kind of exchange that escalates until someone rage quits the forum.

Lads, if there was ever a case of agree to disagree and leave it, it’s probably this one.

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Sensible advice.

What are you doing bringing common sense onto the internet?

Sorry @PaulRoJo I was out of line there. Amjust going to leave this thread alone, literally too close to home

A friend’s mom who was suffering from dementia chose to end her life a few weeks back (prearranged), it’s been a trying time. especially since mom had her heart attack and is suffering with her breathing these days. Parents asked me last week if I’m going on a trip for my 50th this year, they want to join. But have had to cancel their last two vacations due to health reasons. How do you have that conversation, it’s heartbreaking.

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Louis Theroux did a good documentary on this a number of years ago.

Agree that this one needs to be left alone,if the person is able to make a rational decision it is his/hers alone to make, sadly after that it gets more complex!

Yes. I would want in certain circumstances. I would however want someone to determine that I am of sound mind, and have valid reasons for doing so (in other words not a standard suicide).

A Dutch perspective:

And articles like this show just how insidious ‘voluntary’ euthanasia can be:

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