Big Forum Update

Good new the site upgrade was successful. :slight_smile:

You will probably notice several small changes. Increased security has been a big one.

Twitter proving a pain in the arse (I am not paying Elon $100 a month) so still using my work around. Figured out a way of getting Instagram working, but I am going to leave it for another weekend as will take several hours.

Please let me know if I have broken anything !!


Will keep working on a twitter fix too :slight_smile:

Just ban Twitter from this forum.

It’s a load of shite anyway.


I love it when you update things, @ISMF1…

I get all my ‘Nice Reply’ notifications again and it reminds me of all the times everyone thought I was great.


Thanks mate. :+1:

I’m old, I can’t remember that far back.

I don’t get many likes, people don’t like me :weary:

Fuck em :slight_smile:

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Maybe it is my phone but the title of the website seems to be misspelled

Just checking, if you click on the hamburger menu, at the bottom of the menu does it say mobile view or desktop view ?

Could you try switch ?

My notication list is still completely fecked up.

When I use the shortcut version I can only see very old notifications.

Anyone else?

Yeah, I’ getting notifications from 1485. iPhone. Nothing seems “live” as it used to be.

Is it at all possible to have twitter/threads/social media updates from a specific noted person highlighted in the social media rumours threads ?

Guys like Joyce , Reddy or anyone else.

Maybe a tag auto attached where people can then choose to see just the threads with those tags ?

Threads that I am tracking often do not show up under “unread” when there are new posts. Any idea what could be causing this?

There will be phantom threads as well where it says for example “Unread (4)” but then only two threads show up.

Any update on when the Insta update will go ahead?

Just something to think about is this is the last weekend before the league kicks off again. Community Shield is this Sundaybut we all know that ain’t a real trophy, so doesn’t count :rofl:


Still having this problem. :confused:

Till now I have been using a legacy menu system. I suspect when it shifts to the modern menu it will be resolved.

The next update changes the notification menu. (I will no longer be able to select legacy). While I hope it will solve your problem, it will take people a bit of getting use to. Which is why I have been a bit reluctant.

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The classic “Dr Frankenstein throws the switch” doesn’t seem to be a giff I can find :weary:

Where’s the ‘Latest’ option gone?

This was probably asked previously but can’t find anything related. Can it be enabled from settings?

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Its called Topics now…or at least it works for me