Billionaire Baloney

Musk getting his arse handed to him? Where do I sign up to watch that?
Go On Popcorn GIF

As if you didn’t need any other reason to support Zuckerberg

Be hard to do from his Romanian prison cell


what a fucking joke…

hope they do push on with the fight and no one bothers watching apart from their own paid for ‘yes men/women’ and i hope no one stops the fight when it gets messy…watch them cry arse when they realise people fight it can actually result in serious consequences.

the saying ‘nero fiddled whilst rome burnt’ feels apt here, with everything the world is going through…either that, or some kind of parrelells to the french revolution…


Billionaires being bullied by nasty people just because they have big yachts…

If they could only afford to buy smaller yachts…

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It’s a saying but Nero wasn’t in Rome when the fire raged.

but the saying isnt ‘Nero fiddled in rome as it burnt’

Pedant :wink:

not really…

Dr Evil commits evil. Who would have guessed it?

I wonder if the investment banks which facilitated his loans are getting cold feet yet… I might yet be wrong but I don’t think many people would actually pay for the service, especially not if it’s owned and run by a lunatic.

Still got an account, never posted myself but use it to read-only. Everytime I have a quick look at what’s trending in Germany it’s usually mostly vile, extreme right-wing bullshit hysteria. It’s a cancer to society at this point, the few positives are vastly outweighed by the damage it does. Definitely not paying for this shit.


I’ve gone from reading stuff on twitter almost continously through the whole day, before Musk’s purchase of it, to barely reading anything on it now.

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Genius or Gerald Ratner?

Seemed like a touch of Ratner to me.

He bought it for $44B and tried to get out of it before the transaction went through. The deal was forced through and then he set about showing them a thing or two about running a tight organization. He hollowed it out and made it much worse.

People on the extreme right would say he brought back free speech. Most other observers would say he encouraged hate speech. The advertisers have spoken, and they have pulled the plug on many millions in revenue.

Did Musk use the experience to change course?

Nope. He doubled down and told them to go f themselves.

Ultimately he is so much more rich than Ratner that there’s a sense in which he can do what he likes, even if it means flushing $44Billion down the toilet.

I suspect Twitter/X will go to the wall. He will stave it off for a while, as his pockets are so deep. But ultimately it is a business and it can’t lose so much revenue indefinitely.

If it does go to the wall, the extreme right will say it wasn’t about the money but it was about the free speech, and their ‘champion’ couldn’t prevail against the system, even with all his money and independence.

Everyone else will see the clear hubris and be glad, at least tacitly, that a multi billionaire can’t just trample over everything and have his way.


Transportation has gone woke and cancelled the hyperloop

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Free speech absolutist cancels high profile news anchor’s partnership with twitter before the first episode has aired, seemingly because he didnt like the interview he sat for as part of the first episode of this new production :joy: