That’s how it all started. Elon was caught cheating and now he can’t deal with it. Unfortunately, he’s in a really bad position now, as he’ll soon find out.
He cheated at a game and now he’s in some sort of trouble?
It’s really hard to see why that’s important in comparison to all his other crimes.
It’s not the cheating that is the issue, but the effort he has made to lie about his ability and time spent playing the game. Gamers couldn’t really care less about it but by doubling down and attacking Asmon in the way he has will just lead to more attention on the issue, which isnt something he really wants.
Well, it actually just shows that he can’t handle being exposed as a fraudster, and that this time it’s mainly a young target group that previously thought he was such a great guy etc. He’s just making himself look completely ridiculous. Regardless of his other criminal activities. Anyone who cheats when playing or boasts about achievements that he hasn’t actually done is probably not the honest type of guy in business either.
Honestly, neither of what you or @Bekloppt said makes that much of a difference. He has already been exposed as a fraud over and over again, and yet you still get people ardently defending him, as can be seen just on these forums alone.
I suppose the main issue here is that it’s now the gamer community, which I imagine overlaps quite a fair bit with his toxic manosphere following.
Ok, anything that’s bad for Musk is good news in my book. I hope it leads to his utter annihilation, but I won’t be holding my breath.
I’ve officially entered old age at 54. My reasoning is Musk and his video games. He the richest man on the planet with a lot on his plate on the business side. A few big companies here. Not content with that, he has inserted himself into politics, helping to put Trump in the White House and now interfering with various governments around the world.
I can’t stand the man. But here’s how I know I am old…
Video games?! That’s the sensitive ground for Musk?
Looks like he is a liar and not nearly as accomplished as he has made out so I’m glad that is out there. But the disconnect for me is why a 53 year old Musk is investing so much of his sense of wellbeing and self-worth into his video game chops? It looks like it is eating away at him more than anything else.
On that note I’m glad, but also officially old, as I don’t get it. Video games? With all that he’s got going on, why does he care about that?
No disrespect to your average Gen Con person. I love the subculture. Indeed my son dabbles in that sphere, but as yet, he’s not a multi-billionaire with designs on running the entire world.
Gaming has nothing to do with age tbf, I´ve started 20 years ago ( A colleague at work “tempted” me back then to give it a try) and i still do it now and then.
i guess it´s the wrong wording but you will get my point hopefully
Long story short he has multiple times claimed to be one of the best video gamers in the world and he does live videos of him playing to prove it. He previously claimed to be one of, if not the best, Diablo 4 player in the world on an episode of Joe Rogan, for example.
What his latest live on this new game proved was that despite claiming to have a top 10 character worldwide, something that would take literally hundreds of hours to achieve, he actually has no real understanding of the basic functions of the game.
He doesn’t cheat at the game per se he simply has paid someone, or a group of people, to “grind” the character ie. play it all day and night to get a high level then he goes online in a live to show off this insanely powerful character and claim he did it himself.
If he just said “I really like this game but I don’t have time to play much so I have some people level it up for me” then I think there would have been some laughing but at least it would be honest. Such as when he had a really bad Elden Ring build and people mocked him but at least it felt like that actually was his build. However Musk claims he became a top 10 player on this game himself with no assistance and is simply an incredible video-gamer - better than a lot of professional players.
The gaming world, which being the most online group are probably a big part of his fanbase, aren’t really buying it. The evidence that he doesn’t understand the game beyond a basic level is too clear and the have allegiance to other well known gaming youtubers etc who also aren’t buying it.
When you boil it down you have a rich guy paying someone to do something for him then claiming that it was actually him who did it and he’s just really good at it. Genius even, some might say. Of course the next step, and one people might be finally catching on to, is if he’s willing to do this over something as inconsequential as a video game then what else has it done that with - Tesla, PayPal, SpaceX…
I think for some of his fanboys the mask might have slipped a little bit. They didn’t care when he was stealing the valor of actually talented engineers for SpaceX or Tesla, they didn’t care when he was using the platform he purchased to pump crypto stocks or spread right-wing disinformation, they didn’t care when he went back on his “free speech” vow and started banning people on Twitter for ideas he personally didn’t like, they didn’t care when he started whoring himself to Trump or the AfD because ultimately they can just write that stuff off as “Whatever, I just like him because he’s a genius billionaire”… but now he crossed into “their” world and been found out to be a liar which may have some bigger implications than he believes at this time, especially coming off the back of the more extreme end of Trump supporters already turning on him for supporting H1B visas.
So on the face of it it’s a nothing story. Some guy paid for someone to level up a character for him on a video game - who cares? But in reality its a glimpse into the standard operating procedure of an egotistical, God-complex multi-Billionaire who cannot for one second stand the thought of people thinking of him as anything other than the greatest genius the world has ever known - AND it’s a glimpse that has negatively effected his standing in a community that was likely pretty overwhelmingly in support of him and bought into his bullshit self-aggrandizing narratives.
Now what that actually means moving forward, very little probably. His wealth isn’t going anywhere and he still has Trump’s ear but it’s notable that two groups that (generally) loved this guy a few weeks ago - extreme right-wingers and permanently online video gamers - have had major issues with him.
Musk’s reputation was primarily based on a narrative about his genius in two sectors viewed as cool enough to get a lot of popular attention but with frighteningly few people with enough expertise to identify him as a bullshitter. The moment he puts his foot into a topic you know about the veil is lifted and he is seen for who he is and the rest of his narrative is reevaluated.
This happened with software engineers once he bought twitter and started talking about software. This episode is now doing the same for gamers.
There was a famous quote on twitter that said something like “I like cars so I thought Musk was cool. Rocket ships are cool so I thought Musk was a genius. I am a software engineer so now I know Musk doesnt know what he is talking about I will never get in a Tesla again.”
It’s just Gaming Achievements. Some of them are from the type of grind you can only do if you don’t have a social life or much work (outside working as a gaming streamer), others have to do a bit with skill at a game.
Musk is the type of person that needs to be best at everything he likes, to feel comfortable with himself and he plagiarises and lies to “prove” it to the world that he is. Which is pathetic since it’s about computer gaming, but it tells you a bit about his character. Not that you didn’t know or suspected of course
Now, this isn’t important, but his fan base is tech-boys and many tech-boys play and a surprising amount of them find this more problematic than his racism and Anti-Woke crusade. Cynicaloldgit says “Because the modern world is utterly vacuous” and he is probably partly correct. Because of course, it is utterly pathetic and sad that this is what gives him bad publicity and not his crusade to get neo fascists elected into governments in the West.
Cynnie is always partly correct. It’s the other bit you need to worry about.
Just want to say great post above @Sweeting
Visas. And now gaming. Two segments of his MAGA fanbase with cracks in the foundation. Steve Bannon is rubbing his hands with glee.
Yep still gaming at 58 and in my gaming community, cheats are hated especially in online multiplayer games
The clip of him on Rogan claiming to be amongst the very best gamers in the world reminded me of a primary school kid telling his friends he had seen or done some unbeliveable thing that is clearly entirely made up and done so because something isn’t right at home. It just had that childish, unsettling fantasy vibe, complete with the dumb friend (Rogan) saying woah man…
The debate is so easily resolved. Go royal rumble on Quake 3 with rail guns only. Winner takes all.
Shame Elon wasn’t on it.
It’s about time. They appear to have a total disregard for safety with this thing. Unfortunately, Musk’s mate is about to enter the Whitehouse, so I’m assuming that the FAA will be next in the firing line.
I started a rant but thought better of it…
Will wait until my second coffee.
Are you guys ready for a chuckle ?
I said, ARE YOU READY ???
Ok, I hope you are: