Billionaire Baloney

My point is that it goes a bit beyond just Nazi stuff. We don’t have to import that from the US, we invented that shit here.
I’m talking more about the talking points and strategies that are used to draw people in, social media etc. The critique of ‘the woke left’ especially. Which the AfD is doing very successfully. A lot of that is straight from the US playbook, sometimes basically just translated.


Yeah, you are probably right. American Neo Fascism, which is much more difuse and hard to pin point, is much more socially persuasive for the masses. And yes, we are, everywhere in the West, importing their political discourse. This also of course strenghtens old school hardcore nazism since it moves the goal posts and the boundries in a direction very favourable for them. But the insidious corruption, that comes from Neo Fascism; and yes, usually America.

Spot on. Sadly, you are spot on.


The regalia doesn’t matter. The problem is the philosophy. The idea of a master race.

Is it really? I don’t know which neo-Nazis you’ve been looking at, perhaps the traditional ones. The neo-Nazis I believe @Cologne-Liverpool is referring to are the ones who believe that insert country here should only be reserved for natives of insert country here, whom they define as white people. It doesn’t matter whether they even know the intrinsic culture to which they refer to. It’s all about ethnic identity and simple racism to these troglodytes.

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I must protest slightly if you lump all racists, or more specifically, those who thinks their nation state should ideally just be for their ethnic group, into the nazi category. That is too broad for me (and it would also make nazis incredibly numerous if you used such a definition).

It is not actually nazism. Nazism takes it much further.

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There’s a “All People are Fuckwits” thread?

I’ve nevver seen it so can you point me in the right direction please?


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Amazing i beat @cynicaloldgit to this


Why are people so sure that anyone defending this is just confused and stupid? At what point are we going to admit there are more people sympathetic to racial supremacy views than we realize?

They really don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore.


Never underestimate the power of apathy and stupidity.


I think there is an expectation that people who agree with this shit will proudly own it when challenged and stand up for their beliefs. But half the fun of being a racist PoS is winding up the libs with very obvious gaslighting.


Pretty much what they did with the a-ok sign or triple parentheses. Everyone that knew what they were doing called them up on it, then they feign ignorance and try to make you look like the unhinged one for getting “triggered” by trivial shit.



“Oh, so the Fonz was a Nazi as well? Look [fellow racists], we have some TDS over here!” [Belly laughs in racist]



These cars are trash anyway, it’s beyond me that so many people buy them. But if there has ever been a moment to stop buying Musk’s products, then this is it.


It’s buying into the hype, pure and simple.

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Yeah, people are fuckwits, aren’t they? :wink:


A guy at work is reading his autobiography. In it Musk has apparently walked the shop gloor and reviewed designs questioning everything. He’s badically thinned the design down to the bare bone.

I cant confirm it as its second hand info but I wont buy one after hearing that.

At least somebody’s been paying attention!

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Honestly, before other manufacturers started producing electric vehicles, they were pretty much the only option. But the cars haven’t been the top of the game for a while now…