Breaking News Thread

Looking really bleak for the five poor rich souls.

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Ah, found by one of the ROVs, so debris field not at the surface.

From the non-expert me: carbon fibre by itself does float but we’re talking about cfrp here. The resin component which is relatively heavy will likely make the large pieces of debris stay at the bottom of the ocean.
*those more knowlegeble please correct me if wrong.


Sounds right to me, especially if it’s in bits.

Yes. Some former colleagues of mine did a fair bit of work modelling the fatigue behaviour of structural members in buildings subjected to cyclic loading. Even that, where the understanding of the material properties is far better the assessments carried a considerable margin / contingency.

The implication of that comment in the context of the current discovery does not have a great outlook

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A predictable ending, but still extremely sad. I don’t care how wealthy they are, they’re still human beings.


It is but I’m also frustrated by, from what appears from the outside, to be someone who had a rather cavalier approach to the design process.

It seems that they will not be around to answer for that.

Here we go, the memes are out already

As expected, crushed.
News update calling it a “catastrophic implosion”.

Any kind of defect on that vessel was going to succumb to the extreme pressure

Well that’s that then. Risk is to be managed. He’s clearly a person who doesn’t understand that or worse, chooses to ignore it and has subsequently surrounded himself with yes men and those that wont argue.

If someone wants to have that attitude when only their own life is at risk, then that is their choice… Having such a cavalier attitude that risks the lives of others, that is totally unforgivable
RIP to those unfortunate souls


Wow I guess this guy never developed a risk matrix related to driving a modern car and one for an experimental sub made from experimental materials with viewport well outside it’s depth rating that’s diving to 4000m.

Nothing to do with the supression of innovation, but more supression of wealth generation.

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Presumably this guy had a wife. I feel shit for the living families more than those that died.


It is just going to ripple through so many people, for so long, that directly, and indirectly, will be impacted by this tragedy


USCG reporting that they have identified the tail cone, intact about 500 meters off the Titanic’s bow, and a debris field consistent with that catastrophic implosion.

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I mean take that kind of experimental risk with an unmanned drone sub! This was the height of irresponsibility!

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The failure pattern of that material is really weird. Tears/shatters parallel to the length, but actually just sort of frays downward from end-compression. There must be some fairly large strands/clusters in that debris field

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I’m morbidly fascinated to see what it looks like now. I can imagine you’re getting buckling of certain fibres under compression, tearing of others in tension but on a global i.e. the structure as a whole I wonder if it squashed and then folded in half?