Breaking News Thread

There’s rich people involved …

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Yupp, that and media friendly submarine + Titanic + Billionaires = Excessive publisity to the degree of stupidity. But I understand well why everyone is fascinated. It is incredibly special news, so will trigger the interest of most people.
The ship that capsized in the med and over 800 drowned a few days ago just got 1 day notice and some lamentation, probably because we are psychologically conditioned to accept that a large number of those overfilled smuggler ships go down. Also, not very sexy and media friendly people inside them. Just desperate people from the south, unlike wealthy people who have lots of powerful friends.
I can’t criticise people for being interested in it, I understand it well. But it is some what a shame that the absolute disaster in the med is just met with a shrug. But perhaps psychologically understandable. It is what it is.

Anyway, back to the insane events in Russia.


as I say, the European equivalent of American school shootings. They happen at least every ten days, and they are not that interesting as a result.

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Russia heading for civil war?

Too Little Too Late for Those Poor Guys Caught Up in This…

And Fatty Johnson, like someone on here believes that’s innovation and good old fashioned stiff upper lip, British grit.

Yes I decided to post the Daily Mail :face_vomiting:

It is reported in other news outlets if that’s preferable.

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How were they pushing any frontiers when this has been done dozens of times before (by people not in homemade submarines)?

They were literally just going to look at a rotting hunk of metal on the ocean floor. How does this further our knowledge or understanding of anything?


RIP to all those poor souls in Nottingham, I cannot imagine what their families are going through, those poor people of the ship who perished in the Mediterranean sea and the those 5 who were in the submersible.

I am so scared of the ocean, I cannot see myself on a ship crossing the seas, I always find it mysterious and ominous whenever I have looked out to sea. It is not advisable to antagonise with Mother Nature. There is hardly any positive news these days.



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Same with me

There really is, Maria, but it doesn’t get reported for various reasons.


Here’s a good news story about divers who actually are doing something to add to our knowledge and understanding of history


An under rated piece of the James Cameron library was a film called the abyss, about how the furthest depths of the ocean are so remote and inhospitable that they are legitimately alien. That’s pretty much the way I’ve thought about deep sea exploration ever since :joy:

No Thank You GIF


I’d probably get anxiety just watching that

Shaking Head GIF

Always amazed me how a sub, albeit homemeade, is crushed like a grape but this little fella goes about it’s daily business like there’s no pressure at all.
Filmed at over 8000m where the pressure is over 11k psi


Equalised pressure. Unfortunately, deep sea fish don’t do so well higher up.


Back to the Titan episode…am I right in thinking that years ago the Titanic site was deemed consecrated area, because if the disaster…so why was it looked upon as a ‘tourist’ area…baffles me.

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Is that Halaand after losing to Scotland?


Yet another movie where Michael Biehn’s character dies…

Dead ringer

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