Breaking News Thread

Palestine/Palestinians is one of the very few issues that still makes me rage. Whenever I read a media report, it feels like it’s their fault they still exist. It seems like my rage was directed at you. Sorry if I have offended you.


I think it is. The IDF has had an erratic history around the issue, not least because they are not monolithic and there are plenty of settler-sympathizers. But they have acted as a restraining force in the past. Pretty damn clear that is not what the orders say now.

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Just to add another reason why the Israelis have gone in so hard this time is that during the last incursion they had to mount rescue operations for their troops whose armoured vehicles were paralysed by IEDs. Those bulldozers are also being used to tear up the roadsides to the access routes in and out of Jenin looking for said devices.

Just as maddening is the almost total indifference to the suffering of the civilian populations both in the West Bank and Gaza. A new nadir was reached with Trump’s Abraham Accords and the acceptance that most Arab nations who once paid lip-service to their ‘brothers’ struggle , have now decided that trade with Israel (particularly counter-insurgency technology) is more important than Arab solidarity.


Arab nations left Palestine high and dry a long time back after the Arab-Israel war. They were having clandestine relations with Israel all the while. What Trump did was to ensure that these relations are being openly displayed now.

The matter of Palestinians and their suffering means squat now. Iran can try and do something but with the new Saudi-Iran deal brokered by China , They aren’t going to do anything much either. This gives confidence to the Israeli regime that whatever they do , The rest of the countries aren’t going to do much except mere posturing.

As hard as it might be to digest , I think it’s high time that the Palestinians move out of the land. It is their land and they’ve been for lack of a better word… screwed over. But nothing is going to change for them , infact , things are only going to get worse. Surely , living in other countries is preferable to being continuously bombed by Israel.

And this is just the realist in me thinking that the ground reality is only going to get worse. I’m totally against Israel’s atrocities and human rights abuses. But as they say, might is right

Off to knock one out.

And go where exactly? Rwanda?

I don’t know. The two state theory isn’t working primarily because Israel doesn’t want it to work. At this point , It’s pretty much certain that the Zionists have taken over fully.

The situation in Gaza is inhumane. Palestinians are being run to the sea. West Bank is facing several encroachments as well. Illegal settlements if i might say.

As difficult as it is to digest for a lot of people , what else is the solution ?

It’s so unbelievably ironic that the Israeli/Zionist mythology is so based on them being exiled from their land and then they do it to the Palestinians today.


Agreed. It’s just that there is no country in the world which gives a shit about Palestinians and Palestine. Despite lipservice, America’s got Israel’s back. Saudi’s are in covert alliance with Israel. Iran’s brokered a peace deal with Saudi and one which i’m sure will curtail their efforts.

Not that people don’t know , and it’s not only Trump btw. Every country has been complicit in their silence. At this point , forget the two state theory. That’s a pipedream.

Please annex us, would be my solution, if I were King of the Palestinians for a day. Let’s live in a democracy and vote ourselves more powers and enjoy the robust economy being a part of Israel might entail. But that’s far too practical a solution for either side to entertain.

By the way, in fairness, the above map should afford several millennia more perspective.

Why would the Israeli’s want voting rights for Palestinians ? That’s not why their country was formed.

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Yeah. So Australia needs to return the entire lands to aborigines. Because the 1000’s of years of histories need to have perspective. Whatever be the reason for Jews leaving Israel , History can’t be redone. This doesn’t work that way.

There certainly is a large and growing population of Arab citizens of Israel. From my perspective, it might be better for the Palestinians to make a pragmatic peace rather than cling to a failed notion of having their own state.

True. But is Israel willing to give ~5M palestines Israeli citizenship ? Considering the total population of Israel is <10M

I’m sure they are not, which is why I said neither side would entertain it, even though it is the most sensible approach if all are to live together in harmony.


Like the Oslo Accords ?

There is an increasing number of Palestinians who now believe they would be far better off with a one state solution to guarantee their basic human rights. Guess who’s totally opposed to that solution too ?

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