Breaking News Thread

Craft Knitting GIF by 60 Second Docs

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FFS, an under 7s match? Some people have no sense of perspective.


people are fucking stupid. U7, for fucks sake.


Absolute scum, in front of children as well. And the FA overturned his ban!


But we should encourage players arguing with the ref and swearing at him. Apparently.

The kids football thing is bang out of order.

As for Van Dijk, the sort of tackle he did happens multiple times in most games, so a penalty and a red was very harsh indeed. He didn’t delay leaving the pitch as VAR had to be checked, as games are refereed in installments these days, from referees both present and not.

The circumstances were lacking, with everyone standing around for a while in the heat of the moment, and Van Dijk let himself down by swearing at the ref.

Since a red was given, a subsequent one game ban can be justified, and that’s what they did.

I am more than fine to see Liverpool players accepting punishment, as the rules are upheld and applied. But what is hard to stomach is the inconsistency.

Let’s see if there’s any more swearing at refs, from other teams, from this point forward. If so, I look forward to seeing similar punishment being applied. As Liverpool fans we are watching, closely.


Thoughts, prayers and condolences for the people of Morocco who lost their loved ones, their homes, and their livelihoods, after the devastating earthquake in Morocco. Ameen :palms_up_together:t2: :pray:t2:


Pogba given 6 month suspension - no one knows the differences

What a fucking waste of a career.

I hope having your own emoji was worth being remembered as nothing more than a punchline/pub trivia question.


Dunno about that. Fucking United over twice has got to be worth something.

Just imagine if he’d got a thing going with Alice as well.

@PeachesEnRegalia would be heart broken

This is true. But things move in mysterious ways but I suspect Peaches would view it as an even greater achievement.

Considering what United paid for Pogba, has to be one of the worst transfers ever. He wasn’t available enough to put a stamp on their style of play or even to allow them to settle a system. Massive albatross. A bit sad to see him trying to hang on to his fitness with steroids, if that is in fact what he was doing.

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That’s a lie and you know it!

Really? I sit here, tied up in the suspense at every little snippet about your quest but you’re not interested in reaching an even higher bar?

I am shocked, and, I’m not gonna lie, a little disappointed. Stealing some United thunder would ensure legend status.

BBC News - Libyan floods: Derna city looks like a tsunami hit it - minister

2,3k deaths confirmed already. This is truly tragic. :see_no_evil:

RIP to all the deceased souls, and thoughts to all the injured and traumatized people, and to those who have lost their homes, family members, friends.

Oh Dear Lord! This is catastrophic!!

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