Breaking News Thread

More bad news for long suffering Afghan refugees…

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It’s probably inevitable as Pakistan is under severe economic stress themselves.

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to hell with spending a fortune on rehabilitating and keeping them warm and safe in a prison cell,
before releasing them a third of the way through there sentence for good behaviour,
so they can revert to type again

just hang the bastards instead…

When is this going to end?
Almost daily we’re hearing about some unhinged lunatic somewhere deciding to kill or maim innocent members of the public.

WTF?!? Vehicles burning in the streets?!?

The frequency with which the police are stating people should not jump to conclusions while providing absolutely no information really makes one wonder what the conclusion we are not supposed to be jumping to is…

It’s obviously a foreign lad who’s done this.The guards don’t want reprisals on others from similar backgrounds who will be living in close proximity to where this has happened so aren’t releasing information until things calm down .

That is my assumption too. I presume rumours are flying.

Just stuff on local news,witness saying we’re not animals in this country,the fact they’ve said its not terrorism ,the far right encouraging the local lads to riot,shouts to close the borders.

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Is it being coordinated? There have been a few stories in the news lately that I have done a quick search on Twitter to find out what is going on and no reliable journalist comes up.

There are lots of people calling themselves journalists but their history is usually a selection of far-right propaganda.

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Like everywhere,legitimate protest has been infiltrated by a few far right arseholes,some of whom have had english accents, stoke people up so they can claim support for the far right is growing in Ireland.

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It sounds a bit like what happened in Knowsley earlier this year. A legitimate protest with legitimate concerns turned into a shitfest by outsiders with known links to prescribed organisations.

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I’m sure it’s happening everywhere.I’ve been on a couple regarding housing and some of those causing trouble we all know weren’t from our area,some not even from this country and they were called out for it.

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Seems there’s more concern about the riots than the poor innocent children who were knifed.

As there should be.

The attack on the children (and woman) was perpetrated by one sick individual. The riots reflect a wider societal problem.


The riots had certainly overshadowed what happened but focus is already back on the children at the centre of the attack yesterday.

These are 2 seperate incidents.

Was it ever a protest? From the limited accounts yet, it seems to have become a mob scene fairly soon after the stabbing incident, and gathered momentum from there.


sounds like Vancouver after a loss at the Stanley Cup finals

Vancouver is pathetic. In Montreal we reserve riots for Stanley Cup wins…it’s been a quiet 30 years.

another day in USA, another shooting.

A friends daughter is a senior at UNLV, needless to say he’s very happy she got home safe

let’s check the tracker, shall we?


U.S. mass shootings in 2023


mass shootings since 1/1/2013


days since last mass shooting
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My last visit to Vancouver involved crossing paths with the finals of the world Rock Paper Scissor championships, an anthrax scare that kept us locked in the conference center for hours after the last session, and then after finally being able to leave not being able to get back to my hotel because riots outside the Rogers center after they lost game of the stanley cup