Breaking News Thread

Yes. And it’s totally legit.


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The hammer meets head ?

We don’t need to speculate on that. We have surprisingly good information about his living conditions and the extended deterioration of his health and lack of any sort of reasonable medical care. He spent significant time in solatary confinement in a cell barely big enough for him to turn around in and was restricted to one short walk a day. He had become emaciated (he claimed he’d lost over 15 lbs since being arrested and he was already a slender man), was experiencing repeated seizures and had other signs of worsening nerve damage all leading to calls from a large group of Russian doctors for him to stop being purposefully medically harmed.

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So for almost a day now, Norwegian slow tv has reached new heights. It’s minute for minute Norway to Emirates, tanking then Emirates to Malaysia.

Close now:

Most hilariously, SAS and the Defence Forces are refusing to comment on what the Medevac plane is doing and where it is going, but EVERYONE KNOWS ! Even a dead man by now; it’s all the papers and tv write about :smiley: But sure, it’s a State Secret, lol.

The king is 87 and has been hospitalised with an infection in Malaysia and he has had heart surgery not that long ago

The plane is pretty cool though. It is usually used for Medevac for Ukrainian soldiers and have 18 beds.

Anyway, that’s what’s happening in Norway. Or Malaysia.

“Forsvaret ønsker ikke å bekrefte om det er dette flyet som skal hente kong Harald hjem.” (" The Norwegian Defense Force does not want to confirm whether this is the plane that will bring King Harald home.") Sure, they are picking up Rudulf the Reindeer in Malaysia because that’s what one does.


Sad news.
Thankfully not crammed with the usual 19 passengers.

I was surprised they managed to save 5 of the 6 after 30 min in the sea.

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Yes, very fortunate after 30 minutes in the North Sea in February

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More sad news.

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Hope @Iftikhar is okay. :crossed_fingers:


Thanks man, I’m alright.


That’s good to hear. :+1:

Do you know the place where it happened?

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Haven’t been to that part of town in 20 years. Used to be a cultural hub with a few theaters. Now a place for high end boutiques and restaurants.


Haiti :haiti: :man_facepalming: :pray:


I’m not sure if this counts as breaking news but it is remarkable. The longest surviving iron lung patient has died:

It’s quite unimaginable how one could live for so long like that but it does sound like he managed to make a life for himself.


I am still stuck on Sweden depositing its instrument of accession into NATO, the dirty sods

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who hasn’t wanted to give NATO a good dicking?


It’s sad when people are shot for no reason.
It’s sad when concerts are not safe places.
It’s sad that we live in a world where this has become a fact of life.

The timing is strange though. Surely before the “election” would have made more sense.