Breaking News Thread

Earlier this month, western countries led by the US had issued terror warnings and told their citizens not to join public gatherings in Russia.

On 8 March, the embassy wrote it was “monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and US citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours”.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin had called the March warnings from western embassies a “provocation”.

“All this resembles outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilise our society,” he said earlier this month.

The fact that Russia was warned makes it even stranger that the attack has happened now and not before the election when it could’ve undermined Putin.

That presumes the outcome of the election was ever in doubt. The pragmatic decision was likely to wait until after FSB had declared victory, then strike.

Almost certainly, it would not have had any impact on the election, but it probably would have turned even more Russians against Putin. Of course, the attack could still have that effect.

While politics might always be a factor, expecting terrorists, if indeed done by them, to act according to any sort of logic would be too much to ask.

You don’t think that 9/11 was meticulously planned? Terrorists may be evil, but that doesn’t make them dumb.


Planned and logic is different to me. Because to me, when you have people who claims to kill on behalf of God or religion, logic is no longer a thing even if they can be crazy geniuses.

But logic is not absolute. It’s based on a number of socio-cultural norms and beliefs. It may be logical for you to eat with chopsticks and, equally logical for me to use a knife and fork.
It’s logical for some people to ride a bicycle and logical for others to take the bus.
If someone believes that there is a God above watching their every step, then it’s logical for them to behave in a way that they think that God will approve of. If you don’t believe in Gods you will behave differently.
Unless you have cast iron proof of something being false, it’s not illogical to behave as if it was true.

ISIL has claimed responsibility.

someone can believe in religion and still be logical when it comes to other factors. There are many scientists who believe in a higher power and yet do pioneering work in physics for example.


It’s a mark of how poor the relations are between both sides that people can’t take intelligence reports from the other country seriously.

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Liars ! It was Ukraine !!

Nah. Definitely Hamas.

They’ve already concocted some cock and bull story about how Ukraine did it , and an ally of Putin was just interviewed on BBC 24 to lay it out.

A France24 report said that 11 people has been arrested while they were trying to return to Ukraine.

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Fixed for conspiratorial accuracy

Nah, my bet is on the Proud Boys

Wonder how long before some anti royal prick suggests the Princess of Wales was involved.
She has been missing until just after the attack :roll_eyes:

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That immediate reaction honestly makes me wonder if it was a false flag attack…

Def was the alphabet gang or BLM

It might not be the first time that a false flag operation has taken place in Russia while Putin was either Prime Minister or President.

There was speculation on CNN today that Putin might use this attack to justify a general call-up to the army.

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