Breaking News Thread

That should be everyone on here, right?

Should it?


To be fair, the US didnt even take its own intelligence reports seriously prior to 9/11 (or after come to think about it)

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Clouded the identity of the perpetrators is but in high probability done it the Sith had.

Don’t include me in that.

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Standards we have.

Liverpudlian royalist? Wow!

Three Western intelligence agencies provided information directly to FSB about this - much more information than was made publicly available through the various embassy announcements that Putin denounced. Their desire not to cooperate with the West is stronger than their desire to protect their own citizens.


Shades of “Cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face”.


The Russian state (and its people) deserve acts of terror.after what they have - in large part - actively supported or willfully ignored beong done in Ukraine. Ditto Israel.

Isn’t that the same logic the Israeli government is currently applying in Gaza? :thinking:


Again, the cynic in me is wondering if they decided to use this as a way to manipulate their population further. Do the whole Mourinho the-world-is-against-us thing.


Well there was a very specific and public warning from US intelligence that an attack was expected. It doesn’t reflect well on Putin’s regime that they ignored a warning given in good faith my a rival intelligence service.

Blaming the Ukrainians both diverts attention and refocuses Russians as seeing their Ukrainian adventures as essential.

It could also frame US intelligence and media as being a reliable source of information. It could backfire.

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It’s simple. Suppress the reports about US intelligence, and just talk about how it’s the dirty Ukrainians that did it.


Its just a game. RU knows by now perfectly well that it was ISIS-K. But let no good opportunity go to waste to demonise the nazis in Ukraine and rally the Russian sheep in bloodthirst, as this is good for morale in an otherwise less than optimal SMO.


Seems about right. Although not enough blame is being put on BLM and LGTBQ+ who clearly were the masterminds behind the whole thing


Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they could have prevented the attack and still let it happen just to strengthen their grip on the populace and amplify the narrative against the evil West & Ukraine.

They were already making innuendos about the Ukrainians and the US an hour after the slaughter took place when first responders had hardly reached the site. They’re going to stick to their story no matter what. Their ludicrous claim of ISIS being a puppet of western intelligence speaks to that.

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It wasn’t just US intelligence. Apparently three separate western intelligence services warned them.


How easy is it to do that? Even going back to the cold war it is surprising how many people got their information from the BBC World Service and the like. The key is for news services to have credibility.

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