Breaking News Thread

Senegal Presidential Election today.

Yeah , I think this plays a part.

Fair enough, but I’m thinking more about the fact that those who would disbelieve the government narrative about the attack would already disbelieve the government narrative about the invasion.

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We’ll get some interesting confessions now after what’s left of these people after they have finished torturing them, starts talking about Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine and a bit America:

I won’t post the video where they slowly cut off the ear of one of them and them force him to eat his own ear, since would not like it very much. But you can find it yourself (nexta has uncensored video, which you can find yourself if you some how think I am exaggerating).

It’s what happens here to this guy and they film it of course, as you do in a country with no laws:

Personally, I wouldn’t shed a tear if these mass murderers where shot while apprehended, I have no sympathy for genocidal ISIS, but making their capture into a slow sadistical torture circus is maybe not what a state with functioning laws and non-fascistoid ethics would do. But Russia, so only those asleep are surprised.

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They left this guy actually whole. The ISIS_K guys are all Tajiks as reported yesterday.

Looks like he spent the last 48hrs in a wellness hotel.

Russian Spa treatment is a bit backwards still.

And yet there are some people in this world that doubt the Putin’s regime capacity for war crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere and continues to excuse it.

And this is expected in Russia. They film it, release the videos. But yes, one is not supposed to think the RU regime is embarked on a genocidal conquest in Ukraine and that they treat Ukrainian POWs well (they torture them exactly like this).

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Russian KGB loving peasant inbred fucks. I don’t believe in god and heaven and hell but certainly hope for judgement for these evil Moskali.

I expect all this pathetic subhuman ‘state’ retribution will elicit is more retribution upon the Moskali. The evilKGB loving peasant inbred fucks may be too retarded to understand but their children will learn.

You know things are a bit off, when the officers that escort prisoners into court are all wearing balaclavas.

The treatment of the terrorist prisoners is barbaric. Yet I find that I’m not too outraged. If you are going to enter a concert hall and shoot people, and detonate explosives and so on, my sympathy is in short supply. Yes, ideally they get due process in accordance with civilized laws, but I rank their mistreatment way down the list of Russian crimes.

First off, there is the very obvious invasion of Ukraine. It’s appalling and has been going on way too long. Then perhaps more related to how they are treating the captured terrorists, is how they treat their own people who bravely object to the Russian leaders and policies. How many of them are in jail? Have been executed? Have been sent to the front lines of the war?

All these things upset me much more, when I think about Russia, rather than how they are treating these guys who attacked the people at the concert hall. I don’t agree with what the authorities are doing to them, at all, but my outrage at Russia is directed elsewhere.

What is the supposed motivation for an ISIS attack on Russia? Payback for support of Assad?

I don’t have too much sympathy for terrorists either. I probably am in the minority but I support death sentences for the rarest of rare crimes (crimes against humanity in general). People who do inhuman acts such as above don’t deserve to live

But yeah , this treatment of terrorists by Russia is way down in comparison to the other Russian warcrimes.

That’s what’s perplexing to me. The only reason I can think of is the support of Assad. Russia hasn’t had too much islamic terrorism to deal with as compared to other countries. Maybe it’s that or revenge for Chechenya.

And by no means , I condone what the Russian forces have done to the terrorist. It’s just that I don’t have any sympathy for the terrorist

The previous few posts illustrate why it’s quite difficult to persuade people that human rights should be universal. It’s emotionally easier to want vengeance.

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Mmm, ISIS have been at war with Russia since at least 2016. And there have been foiled attacks in the past. For ISIS, no difference between orthodox Russia and catholic or protestant countries and RU have killed many thousands ISIS operatives the last decade in Syria.
I dont understand why some think that ISIS is primarily just after US and Europe. They want to establish a world wide caliphate in all Muslim countries and certainly in Tajikistan where these operatives are from.