Breaking News Thread

RU alligned with Iran, one of main foes of ISIS. You have not heard of Islamic fundamentalists in Tajikistan, Uzbehkistan and Chechnya, all of whom hate the RU federation, some of whom have been recruited by ISIS long ago ?

I have a hard time understanding that you guys live in a world where ISIS is just an “anti West” extremist organisation.
For ISIS, RU is the West anyway and they certainly hate RU more than say, France or Germany.

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I did mention Chechenya.

But you are right , For ISIS , Russia along with any other European country is the enemy.

Would be hard pressed to find any country in the world that isn’t the enemy of IS btw.

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I dont either obviously , but its social poison to make a circus out of torture and it shows how brutal RU society is when this is filmed and celebrated.


That’s a lot of bad extrapolation

Agreed. Just find it tough to reconcilate that people who do crimes against humanity (like terrorism / mass shootings etc) should get the human rights which they denied their victims.

I answered your post accurately and with insight and knowledge. You wrote that you wondered what the supposed reason was for the attack, revealing clear ignorance of IS, the Caucasus, RU-ISIS enmity and ISIS goals.

How did I insult you ? I informed you factually. Instead of giving me a disrespectful answer, maybe thank me instead, or at least ignore me. I clearly have more knowledge than you about this so its the least you ought to do instead of focusing on one single line I said, not even in a post to you, where I announced surprise that it appeared that you two didnt know, or at least didnt consider, the facts.

A call for imediate release of hostages and a month cease fire has been adopted by the UN sec council with no US veto (obviously) for Gaza. Isr has recalled delegates on the way to US in response.
It will not end anything in itself unfortunately but marks a new chapter in many ways.
I find it a very positive development because despite Isr anger, it will likely eventually force an Isr policy change.

Edit: I was inaccurate. The Cease Fire is supposed to last only to 9th of April, end of Ramadan.

Regarding ISIS and the Moscow attack, some experts I have read also not the friendly relationship between Moscow and the Taliban, one of ISIS regional enemies. ISIS-K, the same group, did attack the Russian embassy in Kabul in 2022. It is worth noting that these attacker did indeed claim to be from ISIS-K, and the K stands for Khorasan and wants to establish the Caliphate in the old Greater khorasan Region: Islamic State – Khorasan Province - Wikipedia

As you can see here:

Several of the countries in historic Khorasan are today part of the Russian Federation.

When you then add the grievances of ISIS-Khorasan to the existing grievances towards Russia from ISIS-L (Levant),it should make more sense for most.

ISIS-K have been the most active arm of ISIS the last few years, with the most operations. This is because they operate in politically unstable regions and do not make attempts at waging conventional war, which the militarily defeated ISIL-L did (ISIL-L still very, very much exist, it is just not a regional force in the Levant anymore and has been severely culled). If you are interested in reading about ISIS-K operations in latter years, I suggest googling ISIS-K and attacks etc. and you will have many hits on google.

Let’s move on…


True but easy shouldn’t come into the equation. From a purely logical standpoint torturing is idiotic:

  • Innocent people may be involved.
  • It destroys the interrogators psychologically and mentally.
  • The quality of whatever intel is extracted is highly suspect as subjects will end up confessing to anything in order to make it stop. Which leads to a vicious circle of new “enhanced” interrogations and to further waste of resources and manpower.

And that’s without considering that the immorality of such treatment robs the perpetrator of whatever ethical advantage they may have professed in the first place, which invariably results in more hatred and viciousness.


With regard to vengeance, I have no personal desire, at all, for the terrorists to receive vengeance. I can understand it, in the Russian system - which is heavy handed to say the least, and especially since they just suffered the attack.

It would be preferable if the rule of law was upheld, and human rights were universal.

Finally, given the other atrocities Russia is committing, on the Ukraine people and on its own people who object to Putin, my sympathy for the terrorists is in short supply.

While I don’t disagree, it wasn’t the point I was making.

All your points are very valid as well, and I think they were illustrated by the Iraq War, weren’t they?

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Problem is where the buck stops.


Ordered by Zelinsky and executed by Budanov, no doubt :roll_eyes:

Let no tragedy go to waste:

Fuck, mass casualties already :slightly_frowning_face:

FSB investigation now almost concluded. Everything points to a joint British-American-Ukrianian operation, where they hired easily led islamists, pretending to be ISIS and so on.

It’s sadly not very funny, because they are now running with this officially. That means they will act on it too…

Increasingly looking uncertain that the ‘terrorist’ suspects were responsible for the (almost certainly) Putin ordered civilian slaughter. What has been done to these men while in captivity is inhumane and basically becomes the justification that can be used for those who believe in the destruction of anything associate with Russia.

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Well maybe the difference between Russia and some other countries is that Russia is openly vicious, bastards and downright animals while some other countries do it in the secret and once in a while openly admit their guilt like Guantanamo Bay but who knows how many of such secret torture bases still out there.

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This moral relativism stuff is annoying, distracting and damaging.

Russia is a fascist dictatorship, Europe isn’t.
The US may be one this time next year.