Breaking News Thread

Massive protests still going on in Georgia. It’s been for quite a lot of days now and is just getting bigger, as Putinist-regime in Georgia wants to implement what is being known as the “Russian Law” on the georgian street.
Unstable, very interesting developments that has been going on for many months now.

I’m busy with Ukraine and to a degree also ME, so haven’t had really the capacity to post about other matters of geopolitical importance.
For those on twitter, I suggest a follow for Revishvili. A good source. I read him daily to be informed on these events. This may be much bigger than you are aware, since news of this suffers due to the major disasters in the ME and elsewhere.

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That’s impossible for me to know. But it has a catapult system, meaning it has none of the drawbacks of the re-built Kuznetsov-Class (which has an inferior ski-jump, meaning they planes cannot carry as much weight aka petrol + armament).
This is also brand new, so in some very limited aspects, likely as good as anything the US has, but in other aspects, probably quite inferior. But I speculate.
But I don’t know. I am no expert on carriers or naval technology, I just read a lot of stuff.

But it is much larger than the Kutznetsov-Class, can carry a larger aircraft fleet and it has a better much more protected island, better protection all around (obviously) and can catapult far heavier aircrafts. So it’s probably very formidable.

At least it gives, when operational, Chinese fighter-bombers taking off from it, far greater range since they will be able to fly with much more petrol etc. And it can carry many more of them also different types of aircraft compared to the old, so significant capabillity for sure.

Their first aircraft carrier Liaonong was a refurbished Soviet-era vessel. Subsequently, China has built two more aircraft carriers.

I believe the competition is between China and India.

India’s built one aircraft carrier on its own (not a refurbished Soviet) and is slated to roll out one more in 2030.

It’s all a waste. Needless muscle flexing and expenses.


Meanwhile, in the US Navy there is real anxiety that in the era of drones the aircraft carrier may be as relevant as the battleship was in the era of the aircraft carrier. Thirteen billion is a lot of ship to sink all at once.

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It will be almost impossible to sink/incapacitate an aircraft carrier with drone swarm. Not only the carriers themselves have strong defenses, but there’s also the protective umbrella of the carrier battlegroup. True, the drones are still evolving.

An Aircraft Carrier is still a large piece of metal stuck in the open seas. If not drones , even sustained missile barrages will do significant damages to it. Point an x number missiles with sufficient payload at that aircraft carriers with the guidance systems etc. It only takes one missile to hit a critical part of that massive mass of metal to sink it. And no defensive system is 100% effective.

I don’t see the rationale behind aircraft carriers anymore.

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I’d say the best way to ensure wqrld peace and stability is to build a death star. Palpatine had the right idea. Tarkin shouldn’t have fired the ray though.


It is likely irrelevant in an equal fight but China and India have a lot of neighbours that they need to bully…

Sure. But India and China keep needling at each other.

And carriers will help to foment that further. How better to convince a wavering allay/« wanna-be allay » to hold fast.

China needs to secure it’s sea routes , especially through the Indian Ocean.

The outreach of them to countries like Srilanka and Maldives in addition to the gwadar port in Pakistan is an effort to do just that.

India is rightly concerned when China inevitably debt traps those countries and starts placing troops and naval presence in that area.

China cannot wholly depend on their BRI initiatives. Their coastline in the South China Sea is increasingly controlled by countries which are “unfriendly” to China. Any conflict there would essentially deprive the Chinese of shipments through those ports.

The control of the Indian Ocean waters is directly linked to that. And hence the Chinese outreach into Srilanka and Maldives.

Even the land route from Iran (for Oil) or Pakistan for that matter is fraught with difficulties because of the unstable govts (more for the case of Pakistan).

Wannabe Darth


Darth Cog
But is he the Master or the Apprentice?
Always two there are: a master, and an apprentice.

In short:
Jet engines - which include turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, turboshafts, ramjets and so on - drink Avtur or Aviation Turbine fuel which is basically a form of kerosene. Also known as jet fuel. There are of course many subtypes.
Piston engines, on the other hand, consume Avgas or Aviation Gas, a form of petrol formulated specifically for aircraft.
The term fuel can be used for both jet and petrol engines.

*I used to work on jetfighter maintenance for a dozen years, a long time ago in this galaxy. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for the correction. I am aware of jet fuel being a thing (I was in the air force), but I don’t normally consider it. I am much too used to calling everything petrol :slight_smile:
Very much appreciate being corrected with facts.

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