Breaking News Thread

He kind of is pro Russian but doesn’t go very far in being pro Russian if you know what I mean. He has stopped Slovakian military aid to Ukraine and says nice things about Putin. But he also says nice things when he meets an Ukrainian minister and he doesn’t obstruct in the manner of Orban. But he likes Orban and Putin. Complicated :smiley:
Janus is a good word. Janus Populist (see, I just invented terminology :stuck_out_tongue: )
But yeah, his political base is very pro Russian, but his party elite and him, are perhaps more pro power.

Yeah, it’s a complex position your comments have addressed nicely. I think the challenge in describing the position is that when you have a pariah state like Russia is viewed as now, anything other than frank rejection of them is reasonably interpreted by many to be pro-pariah.


Thanks for the explanation.

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Thanks for the explanation! And while complicated, I think you have managed to put in a very fair description and probably the reality. I am very far removed from understanding the politics in this region but generally I find that people and especially media loves to define people very quickly, its either here or there, never a combination or middle ground etc. For that matter, I have found Russia to be disgusting the moment they just practically walked into Crimea years ago unchallenged but yet like I said, the history and cultural background of this region will heavily influence how politics play out and I cannot claim to understand any of that compared to yourself and some others here.

And its disgusting to resort to kill someone just because you don’t agree.

Seems like it should be headline news everywhere …


Finland barked and made a ruckus.
But it was pulled suspiciously fast from the RU newspaper as well… I think this was indeed scheduled for release, but only after the war has been concluded or close to being concluded, so someone had a bad day at the office in Russia. Russia does not need argus eyes on future territorial expansion ambitions at this particular point in time. But it’s an example of the probable future if/when Russia wins in Ukraine, since Russia’s main goal is the destruction of NATO. How can this be achived ? By taking NATO territory that is very small or where there are no people (they are already building a case for Svalbard as we well have noticed in Norway), which would be perfect to challenge Article 5. Why ? Because NATO does not go to war automatically, everyone has to agree. Would everyone agree to go to war against Russia for some minor territory where there are no people, such as economical zone at sea ? Russia probably doesn’t think so, and so will make these attempts in the future against NATO state if they win in Ukraine, to better erode away NATO and destroy it piecemeal as Article 5 is all about credibility.


As predicted, ANC lose their majority. Surprising it took so long really with the ineptitude and corruption of the last thirty years. Hard to see how they build a coalition with Zuma or Malema. No idea if there’s any overlap at all with the DA. There’s potential for chaos.

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It’s almost as if it is a generational thing. Is it loss of support amongst young South Africans who have never known anything else?

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I don’t think so. Most of the votes ANC lost went to its splinter group MK.

I feel really bad for South Africa. Not only ANC lacks vision and vigor, MK and EFF are bunch of corrupt lunatics, while DA has failed to break the racial barrier.


Not looking good… this guy has produced some excellent podcasts on BBC Sounds. Really good advice on lifestyle and learning to relax and get better sleep.

Fingers crossed.


I read he has probably walked too high/steep on his trek. Altitude change may have made him feint/unconscious -

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The moral of the story is that men of a certain age should only leave their sofa to go to the pub.


Or… take it with ya :0)


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Very unlikely he started at sea level. He should be able to climb to 2000+ meters before feeling adverse altitude effects. Do those Islands even get that high?


It was the local Mayor of the place that quoted that statement @Flobs - so I’m guessing it must do at certain points eh

It’s a very strange suggestion, he was walking, so unlikely to be a factor of climbing too fast. Normally upto 2400m there’s not much risk. It’s when you climb too fast over this altitude that problems really start and it’s recommended to have a ‘rest’ every 300m of climbing.

A more pausible call would be heat stroke considering the conditions.

Never listen to local mayors. :rofl:

Highest poit on the Island is 617m, no chance. otherwise you’d get altitude sickness on Dartmoor.


Either a victim of a crime, poor bugger, and has been abducted or worse… unlikely.

Or heat/stumble/trip into the sea, maybe in a bad way and drowned, poor bugger.

Doesn’t look good.

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Reminded me of the Singaporean Medical student who went missing in Greece in 2011. He was just married for less than a month when he went missing after presenting at a medical convention. He has not been seen since. So many theories since no body has ever been found. It must be the worst for the families and loved ones.

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I’ve been to Symi and can confirm that it’s very hot and very rocky. He probably stumbled, maybe because of heatstroke, and fell into the sea.